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Galaxeclipse Pale Ale.

You might remember my comments about this brew from a few weeks ago (click on link).  Not very nice at all, but drinkable.  That was from a half keg of this beer.  And that keg was from the bottom third of the fermenter.  Tonight's was from a full (18 litre) keg.  It was filled from the top portion of the fermenter.  Plus it has conditioned for a month and a half.

And the verdict?  Just a little bit better, but barely.  The fault in this brew comes from old Galaxy hops.  It is more subdued in this keg, but still noticeable.  It's a real shame because other elements of this brew are very good.  Colour, clarity, head formation and retention.  I will finish it, but under some sufferance. 5/10.



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This one sounded intriguing, so I had to try to make one. Turned out pretty nice. Might let one warm up a bit to see if I can discover the described flavours. Either way, very nice drop, I am happy 


The only thing I changed in the recipe was the can of lager, used a Morgan’s Blue Mountains Lager can.


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1 hour ago, Brauhaus Fritz said:


This one sounded intriguing, so I had to try to make one. Turned out pretty nice. Might let one warm up a bit to see if I can discover the described flavours. Either way, very nice drop, I am happy 


The only thing I changed in the recipe was the can of lager, used a Morgan’s Blue Mountains Lager can.


Was there an objective in changing the lager can or is that just what you had in hand?

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On 6/1/2023 at 5:19 PM, Classic Brewing Co said:

I just had a sneak taste of the AG brewed Eclipse XPA, I was expecting a flat beer with no head as it is only day 4 in the keg, my schedule was 24 hours @20psi & set @10psi & I will probably leave it as it is damn nice.

A little youngish, not the hop burst I was expecting or not a noticeable bitterness at this stage but it will get better each day - or as long as the keg lasts.

I have come to the conclusion after approx. 40 years in home brewing in various concepts, kegging is the way, bottling sucks.

Cheers. 🍺



When you do the 20psi for 24hrs do you get the keg cold first? 

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4 minutes ago, Back Brewing said:

When you do the 20psi for 24hrs do you get the keg cold first? 

The gas is absorbed by the beer better the colder it is. At room temperature say in 20s you would struggle to even carbonate a keg.  A few of the blokes have a chart somewhere. 

But simply get it cold and gas it

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2 hours ago, Back Brewing said:

When you do the 20psi for 24hrs do you get the keg cold first? 

No not really, as soon as it is kegged & locked in, I set the Regulator & that's it, however I said in an earlier post that I would rather just set it at serving temperature & leave it for a week. I am leaning more towards that these days.

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5 minutes ago, Uhtred Of Beddanburg said:

Japanese Lager fwk a month in keg and is nice. Bit more hazy this one for some reason but doesn't matter


Is that the Fuku? I've got that kit, just waiting for the temperatures to (hopefully) drop down next month. How's the taste?

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Are we there yet?

Weekly taste test challenge round 4, Coopers Pale Ale from The O'Connorwery, a.k.a. 001, bottled 6/5/23, bottle conditioned for 16 days, vs Original Pale Ale by Coopers Brewery, a.k.a. Coopers Green, Best After 25/3/21.


001 just shades Green for colour and is the clear winner for head, head retention, and lacing. Green has superior aroma and flavour, and finer bubbles.


001's "twang" is very noticeable at the first taste but seems less prominent subsequently. It does sem to be slowly fading.


For the second week in a row 001 does seem to be holding its carbonation longer.

Between last week and this one I gave some friends a taste of 001 for the first time. They said it was nice. I didn't argue but I don't think it is. I think it is drinkable. There is a difference.


So, are we there yet? I don't think so. I don't think 001 will ever successfully challenge Green in the most important categories. But we may be getting close to achieving 001's full potential.

When I set out my main objectives were to A: make a beer; and B: make a drinkable beer. These objectives have been met. However, I probably wouldn't choose to drink 001 if I didn't have a dozen or more bottles of it sitting in my cupboard already.

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