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Brewing Records


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I'm just wondering who keeps good beer records and how. I started out using a note book and then changed to excel spread sheet many years ago. (after about 20 brews I think)  So I have a record of every brew I have done. I use a texta to number all bottles on the cap & a small card stored with each batch as a quick reference. It has evolved a bit over time. 

For clarification.

Date= date bottled

Heat= If the bottles were kept worm for secondary fermentation

Sugar= How much sugar added to brew (dont use it any more but will not delete column.)

Days= Days of fermentation in barrel

Brewing comments= comments + recipe if applicable.


Beer Capture.JPG

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1 minute ago, oldbloke said:


I'm just wondering who keeps good beer records and how. I started out using a note book and then changed to excel spread sheet many years ago. (after about 20 brews I think)  So I have a record of every brew I have done. I use a texta to number all bottles on the cap & a small card stored with each batch as a quick reference. It has evolved a bit over time. 

For clarification.

Date= date bottled

Heat= If the bottles were kept worm for secondary fermentation

Sugar= How much sugar added to brew (dont use it any more but will not delete column.)

Days= Days of fermentation in barrel

Brewing comments= comments + recipe if applicable.


Beer Capture.JPG

I used to on a spreadsheet up to about brew 70 or so. Haven't done it for ages. I just keep my recipes on beersmith and have a folder with the ones I regularly do. 

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I have been keeping records of all the brews I have done over the years, I use a 1 to a page diary. It's good to flick through & look up an old recipe but I should have put page numbers & an index in 🤔 as there are so many of them.

I have also got Brew Father which I will be using for AG brews.


Edited by Classic Brewing Co
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4 hours ago, DavidM said:

I keep a record of my brews, started with the phone app. Brew Tracker

I've looked at other apps but all seem too complicated for what I do, K&K.

It works for Me. 🙂


4 minutes ago, Brauhaus Fritz said:

Looks interesting, gonna try it out


I use Brewtracker also. Free and simple to use. I only do kits and bits brewing. I don't know if it's suitable for other types of brewing.

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I keep a record of all brews in the notes of the recipe in BeerSmith. I record the brew date, gravity readings and comments about the brew day, issues I encountered and what the last batch was like...if applicable that is. I do not record batch numbers or things like that, thus I have no idea how many brews I've made. A wild guess would be about 50-70 kits 'n' bits and around 100 AG brews I suppose. 

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I use an Excel sheet for all brewing batch details as I don't want to lose any of my info if say my brew-father or Beer-Smith subscriptions expire and I can no longer access the historical records.

I also give each of my recipes names and or batch numbers as I find that imperative if you reclaim and recycle the yeast.  You should know absolutely which batch it originated from / generations etc. etc. as its flirting with danger and disappointment if you do not do this.

Very gun shy of apps as I know what other info most of them mine behind the scenes.



Edited by iBooz2
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most of mine i build and log through the ianH spreadsheet. occasionally i'll forget to record one (espcially if it's something like a toucan that doesn't need hops or a partial grain addition) so i don't have an exact count on my number of brews. i always remember the really good ones though!

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On 3/24/2022 at 4:02 PM, Classic Brewing Co said:

I have been keeping records of all the brews I have done over the years, I use a 1 to a page diary. It's good to flick through & look up an old recipe but I should have put page numbers & an index in 🤔 as there are so many of them.

I have also got Brew Father which I will be using for AG brews.


Interesting to see what members are doing. Note books are hard to beat. I think using Apps is risky I think. You might lose the data so you would need a data download option. 

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4 minutes ago, Classic Brewing Co said:

Looks great Toner I do the same but with less detail but that was k & k. Now I will have to conquer the Brew Father software & take it from there.

Yes whenever I try a new process, or new ingredient etc I always make notes on what/how/when and then try to follow up with tasting notes later on. 
If I went to all grain I’d need a new brain and a bigger book!! Perhaps the Big Book of Beer🤣

Hope your first AG brew went well mate, and it turns out like beer 👍

Edited by Tone boy
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On 3/24/2022 at 1:53 PM, oldbloke said:


I'm just wondering who keeps good beer records and how. I started out using a note book and then changed to excel spread sheet many years ago. (after about 20 brews I think)  So I have a record of every brew I have done. I use a texta to number all bottles on the cap & a small card stored with each batch as a quick reference. It has evolved a bit over time. 

For clarification.

Date= date bottled

Heat= If the bottles were kept worm for secondary fermentation

Sugar= How much sugar added to brew (dont use it any more but will not delete column.)

Days= Days of fermentation in barrel

Brewing comments= comments + recipe if applicable.


Beer Capture.JPG

Love the brewing comments. You would never remember other wise.

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@oldbloke, What a great discussion you have kicked off! Now I have read right back to the beginning of this thread I can see what a variety of recording methods all you home brewers use. Mine is the exercise book variety so far. Too much detail I think; but perhaps that's alright for a beginner. 🙂

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35 minutes ago, Classic Brewing Co said:

Cheers so do I, it looks like beer, in all of the excitement yesterday I forgot to take a reading so I just did, when I de-gas I will record a proper reading.

I reckon after I have done this a few times I can cut the time & find shortcuts or at least make it easier.


First AG Brew 30 03 2022.jpg

The SG is 1.036 so I am thinking the ABV will be a little lower than expected but that's OK as long as I have made beer !!

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49 minutes ago, jennyss said:

@oldbloke, What a great discussion you have kicked off! Now I have read right back to the beginning of this thread I can see what a variety of recording methods all you home brewers use. Mine is the exercise book variety so far. Too much detail I think; but perhaps that's alright for a beginner. 🙂

@jennyss it's just horses for courses. But I think its better to have too many notes rather than too few.

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On 3/31/2022 at 5:49 AM, Classic Brewing Co said:

Cheers so do I, it looks like beer, in all of the excitement yesterday I forgot to take a reading so I just did, when I de-gas I will record a proper reading.

I reckon after I have done this a few times I can cut the time & find shortcuts or at least make it easier.


First AG Brew 30 03 2022.jpg

Nice golden colour mate well done 👍 

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