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Bulk priming mistake


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Hi friends

So i was half asleep this morning, when bulk priming my FV for bottling, i added the dex without disolving it 😢 Will the beer still carb up? Anyone else made this mistake?

Edited by PintsAtMeLocal
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Oops... TBH I dunno mate., it's not happened to me. I'm sure someone will know.

I'm having second thoughts about bulk priming now: I've had a few gushers and flat ones from the same batch so I might look into the Muzzy ™️ method....

Good luck anyway 👍

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5 hours ago, stquinto said:

Oops... TBH I dunno mate., it's not happened to me. I'm sure someone will know.

I'm having second thoughts about bulk priming now: I've had a few gushers and flat ones from the same batch so I might look into the Muzzy ™️ method....

Good luck anyway 👍

I am the same, I tried it once & all I got was inconsistent levels of carbonation, I would much rather just carefully use my sugar measure & prime each bottle. I always get a result so why change, however I am not condemning bulk priming for those that practice it. Call me old fashioned but I use a fresh yeast every brew & I prime each bottle separately, I am also happy with my brews so I will stick to my current routine.

I think it was @Shamus O'Seanthat suggested I use Dextrose instead of sugar, so there is something else to try.

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5 hours ago, stquinto said:

Oops... TBH I dunno mate., it's not happened to me. I'm sure someone will know.

I'm having second thoughts about bulk priming now: I've had a few gushers and flat ones from the same batch so I might look into the Muzzy ™️ method....

Good luck anyway 👍

Sainter, @stquinto do you bulk prime in the primary FV or rack the wort to a secondary FV and then add the sugar mix? I've come to the conclusion that if this is done in the primary FV it leads to inconsistent carbonation. I use PET's so it's easy to just blame them but in the end I'm convinced its the process which is causing the issue. @iBooz2 Boozer mate has posted about this and he makes a solid case against bulk priming in the primary FV and also gives a detailed explanation as to why it doesn't work. I'll try and track down his post.

In the meantime, the Muzzy @MUZZY mate's method or racking the wort to the secondary FV seems like the solution to the Carbonation issues.......or......Kegging! 😁

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5 hours ago, stquinto said:

Oops... TBH I dunno mate., it's not happened to me. I'm sure someone will know.

I'm having second thoughts about bulk priming now: I've had a few gushers and flat ones from the same batch so I might look into the Muzzy ™️ method....

Good luck anyway 👍

Hahahaha. Love the trademark symbol, Sainter.

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39 minutes ago, Mickep said:

Sainter, @stquinto do you bulk prime in the primary FV or rack the wort to a secondary FV and then add the sugar mix? I've come to the conclusion that if this is done in the primary FV it leads to inconsistent carbonation. I use PET's so it's easy to just blame them but in the end I'm convinced its the process which is causing the issue. @iBooz2 Boozer mate has posted about this and he makes a solid case against bulk priming in the primary FV and also gives a detailed explanation as to why it doesn't work. I'll try and track down his post.

In the meantime, the Muzzy @MUZZY mate's method or racking the wort to the secondary FV seems like the solution to the Carbonation issues.......or......Kegging! 😁

I sanitise a second FV, pour the dissolved sugar solution in then carefully decant the beer in using a hose on the tap of the original FV. I stir it a bit but try not to get oxygen in, then bottle. Most times it’s ok but I’ve had a few inconsistencies - flatties or gushers

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1 minute ago, stquinto said:

I sanitise a second FV, pour the dissolved sugar solution in then carefully decant the beer in using a hose on the tap of the original FV. I stir it a bit but try not to get oxygen in, then bottle. Most times it’s ok but I’ve had a few inconsistencies - flatties or gushers

Okay @stquintoSainter mate, that's interesting. Could the fear of not wanting to aerate the wort while stirring the sugar mix be the culprit? Maybe the Muzzy method tried and true is the solution.

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8 minutes ago, Mickep said:

Okay @stquintoSainter mate, that's interesting. Could the fear of not wanting to aerate the wort while stirring the sugar mix be the culprit? Maybe the Muzzy method tried and true is the solution.

I think it is that mate- not being properly stirred. I’m going to look into the Muzzy™️

method next time. The problem I’ve had with carb drops is I either forget if I put one in or the buggers fizz over before I cap them ( don’t get PETs here)

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Well to answer Pints Question I'd imagine that the sugar would not dissolve into the wort very well. Be interesting to hear back from him and how this turned out.

Possibly what's happened here Pints is that you may end up with under carbed beer.  But you probably could still add a carb drop to the bottles once you bottled and let them sit for another week or so. 

Edited by Mickep
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10 hours ago, PintsAtMeLocal said:

Hi friends

So i was half asleep this morning, when bulk priming my FV for bottling, i added the dex without disolving it 😢 Will the beer still carb up? Anyone else made this mistake?

Sorry to tell you this, Pints, but I think you're going to have an under carbonated batch of beer. I've never bulk primed but I reckon the dextrose wont have dissolved sufficiently and most of it will be in the trub. However, all is not lost. When you open your bottles and if they are flat you could always re-prime them with a little sugar, re-cap and give them another week or two to secondary ferment.
When re-priming, I'd be inclined to go easy on the amount of sugar in case there's some carbonation already in there from the first lot of priming. Maybe just one carb drop per long neck.

Edited by MUZZY
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Mmm, been bulk priming about 2 years now. I do it in the primary FV. ( only one I have).  Dissolve sugar in hot water and gently stir in. Wait about 20 minutes and bottle as normal. Works for me.

Edited by oldbloke
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1 hour ago, oldbloke said:

Mmm, been bulk priming about 2 years now. I do it in the primary FV. ( only one I have).  Dissolve sugar in hot water and gently stir in. Wait about 20 minutes and bottle as normal. Works for me.

I generally do the same. I did stir it I just didn't dissolve it. Oh well let's see what happens. I'll give the bottles a squeeze later to check

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I started bulk priming in the fv a few months ago. Was getting the odd pet bottle that seemed firm going into the fridge but quite flat when poured. Have since cc'd to 0•5° and thoroughly but slowly stirred in the sugar solution using a paint mixing lifting motion. Leave for 2 hours in the fridge then bottle. 

The trub being extremely cold does not disturb much, if at all, and the 2 hour wait allows any to fall back.

Seems to be working.

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14 minutes ago, Spursman said:

I started bulk priming in the fv a few months ago. Was getting the odd pet bottle that seemed firm going into the fridge but quite flat when poured. Have since cc'd to 0•5° and thoroughly but slowly stirred in the sugar solution using a paint mixing lifting motion. Leave for 2 hours in the fridge then bottle. 

The trub being extremely cold does not disturb much, if at all, and the 2 hour wait allows any to fall back.

Seems to be working.

wouldnt yoube exposing the wort to oxygen which would be pretty bad at this stage of brewing?

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22 minutes ago, ozdevil said:

wouldnt yoube exposing the wort to oxygen which would be pretty bad at this stage of brewing?

Agreed, it could.

The trick is (I think) the lifting motion which mixes the solution without adding any oxygen, at worst very little. The wider the spoon the better imho.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I recently tried boiling the dextrose with water. 140 grs dext, 200 cm3 AND stopped after 1 minute the boiling started. Let it cool down AND added yhe exact amount of this líquid to each bottle, with a siringe.

Think it has the benefits of the bulk priming but this way you ensure it bottle has the exact amount for carbonation.


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@Mikes15 Hi Mike.
After getting feedback from a mate that he found my beers a little flat I started to increase the amount of priming sugar I used. Initially I was using 2 carbonation drops per long neck as recommended by Coopers. I went to using 1 carb drop plus a CSR sugar cube per LN. Carb drops are approx. 3g and cubes are approx. 4.5g. I've also tried 2 x cubes per LN which works fine too.*
After posting about using cubes on this forum one of the wags on here labelled it the Muzzy Method. It's hardly an award winning idea but getting naming rights is a bit of fun. 🙂 
I use Coopers PET bottles so cubes fit in the neck without issue. I don't know if they fit in glass bottles or not.

*Disclaimer: 2 cubes is 9g and quite a high rate of priming. It's not recommended to do this in bottles that will be sitting around for long periods as there's a chance of bottle bombs.

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14 hours ago, MUZZY said:

Disclaimer: 2 cubes is 9g and quite a high rate of priming. It's not recommended to do this in bottles that will be sitting around for long periods as there's a chance of bottle bombs.

Ha Muzzy, no danger of any of my beers sitting around for months - no bombs at my place - not ever. 😂

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