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Tomorrow's beer using CRYO Pop




Recipe: Hazy Pale

Recipe Specifications

Bottling Volume: 20.00 L
Estimated OG: 1.066 SG
Estimated Color: 9.6 EBC
Estimated IBU: 65.2 IBUs

Amt              Name                                             Type          #          %/IBU         Volume        
4.50 kg          PALE Schooner(Voyager Craft Malt) (5.0 EBC)      Grain         1          75.0 %        2.93 L        
1.00 kg          Wheat Malt (Barrett Burston) (3.0 EBC)           Grain         2          16.7 %        0.65 L        
0.50 kg          Oats, Flaked (2.0 EBC)                           Grain         3          8.3 %         0.33 L        
5.00 ml          Citra Hop Extract [50.29 %] (CO2 Extract) - Boil Hop           4          28.0 IBUs     -             
50.00 g          CRYO Pop [20.00 %] - Steep/Whirlpool  20.0 min,  Hop           5          37.1 IBUs     -             

Mash Schedule: Robobrew Mash and Sparge Light Body
Total Grain Weight: 6.00 kg




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1 hour ago, ben 10 said:

Tomorrow's beer using CRYO Pop




Recipe: Hazy Pale

Recipe Specifications

Bottling Volume: 20.00 L
Estimated OG: 1.066 SG
Estimated Color: 9.6 EBC
Estimated IBU: 65.2 IBUs

Amt              Name                                             Type          #          %/IBU         Volume        
4.50 kg          PALE Schooner(Voyager Craft Malt) (5.0 EBC)      Grain         1          75.0 %        2.93 L        
1.00 kg          Wheat Malt (Barrett Burston) (3.0 EBC)           Grain         2          16.7 %        0.65 L        
0.50 kg          Oats, Flaked (2.0 EBC)                           Grain         3          8.3 %         0.33 L        
5.00 ml          Citra Hop Extract [50.29 %] (CO2 Extract) - Boil Hop           4          28.0 IBUs     -             
50.00 g          CRYO Pop [20.00 %] - Steep/Whirlpool  20.0 min,  Hop           5          37.1 IBUs     -             

Mash Schedule: Robobrew Mash and Sparge Light Body
Total Grain Weight: 6.00 kg




Looks good Beachy, an interesting hop addition.

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7 hours ago, ben 10 said:

Tomorrow's beer using CRYO Pop




Recipe: Hazy Pale

Recipe Specifications

Bottling Volume: 20.00 L
Estimated OG: 1.066 SG
Estimated Color: 9.6 EBC
Estimated IBU: 65.2 IBUs

Amt              Name                                             Type          #          %/IBU         Volume        
4.50 kg          PALE Schooner(Voyager Craft Malt) (5.0 EBC)      Grain         1          75.0 %        2.93 L        
1.00 kg          Wheat Malt (Barrett Burston) (3.0 EBC)           Grain         2          16.7 %        0.65 L        
0.50 kg          Oats, Flaked (2.0 EBC)                           Grain         3          8.3 %         0.33 L        
5.00 ml          Citra Hop Extract [50.29 %] (CO2 Extract) - Boil Hop           4          28.0 IBUs     -             
50.00 g          CRYO Pop [20.00 %] - Steep/Whirlpool  20.0 min,  Hop           5          37.1 IBUs     -             

Mash Schedule: Robobrew Mash and Sparge Light Body
Total Grain Weight: 6.00 kg




Have you used cryo pop before? Sounds powerful!

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86 days pilsner partial mash today. Went pretty well. I based the recipe around Coopers Czech Mate Pilsner, but swapped 500g DME for a partial mash of pilsner and carapils. I also didn’t have Saaz hops so used Hallertau Mittelfrüh instead. 
Here’s the recipe anyway:





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@Tone boy Would 1 kg of Pilsener grains be the abv equivalent to 1kg of DME?

I predominantly brew midstrenght beers & I'd like to do a partial mash, so iam just trying to guesstimate some numbers.

ie Coopers Pilsener+500g of Pilsener grain+250 carapills +saaz hops+lager yeast =3.5%abv?

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1 hour ago, Herbal Alchemy. said:

@Tone boy Would 1 kg of Pilsener grains be the abv equivalent to 1kg of DME?

I predominantly brew midstrenght beers & I'd like to do a partial mash, so iam just trying to guesstimate some numbers.

ie Coopers Pilsener+500g of Pilsener grain+250 carapills +saaz hops+lager yeast =3.5%abv?

Hey HA, probably depends a bit on how efficient your mash is, but generally speaking I think 1 kg of grain equals:

800g liquid malt extract; or

600g dry malt extract

I I haven’t punched your numbers above into a brewing calculator, and you haven’t stated the volume of the brew, but ABV looks about right for a 23 litre brew👍

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@Tone boy thankyou for your response mate,

Yeah i'd make up a 23 litre batch, I'd aim for a higher mash temperature of 68°-70°c as I've read longer & hotter mashers give off more unfermentables which is more desirable to midstrenght brewers.

Efficiency has me a little stumped, I guess trial & error might shead some light on this, I'd be aiming for 60-80% efficiency I guess.

I might start with adding 1 kilo of pilsen grain as my fermentable to start with.

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45 minutes ago, Herbal Alchemy. said:

@Tone boy thankyou for your response mate,

Yeah i'd make up a 23 litre batch, I'd aim for a higher mash temperature of 68°-70°c as I've read longer & hotter mashers give off more unfermentables which is more desirable to midstrenght brewers.

Efficiency has me a little stumped, I guess trial & error might shead some light on this, I'd be aiming for 60-80% efficiency I guess.

I might start with adding 1 kilo of pilsen grain as my fermentable to start with.

Mid strength brewing isn't easy. Simply reducing the ingredients will only give you a "watery" beer. IMHO, the trick is to get as many flavours and non-fermentable sugars in the beer as possible without going overboard. I mash my Mid at 72C and add a fair bit of "Cara" malts to aid with body and sweetness. Hops are going in fairly late and a dcent amount of dry hops. The choice of yeast can also help, which is why I use Verdant, which brings nice flavours but doesn't attenuate overly high, so it has more body. 

The result is about 3%ABV from 4.25kg grain in a 26l batch. I think it is a tasty, happy and fruity beer with just a hint of mid-strength feeling.

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Yes good point @Aussiekraut AK, choosing a yeast with moderate attenuation will help leave some body in the beer.

@Herbal Alchemy. HA, the strike water (the heated water you add to the mash) calculator in Brewfather is a useful tool when calculating the temperature of the strike water for a specific mash temperature. It’s a freebie app (though you can pay for the premium version if you’re not a tight wad like me😆) and easy to use.  Apologies if I’m telling you things you already know.


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Recipe: RIPA
Style: Rye IPA
TYPE: All Grain

Recipe Specifications

Bottling Volume: 20.00 L
Estimated OG: 1.066 SG
Estimated Color: 26.9 EBC
Estimated IBU: 68.2 IBUs

Amt              Name                                             Type          #          %/IBU         Volume        
3.00 kg          PALE Schooner(Voyager Craft Malt) (5.0 EBC)      Grain         1          48.4 %        1.96 L        
2.00 kg          Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC)                  Grain         2          32.3 %        1.30 L        
1.00 kg          Rye Malt (Weyermann) (5.9 EBC)                   Grain         3          16.1 %        0.65 L        
0.20 kg          Caraaroma (Weyermann) (350.7 EBC)                Grain         4          3.2 %         0.13 L        
2.50 ml          Citra Hop Extract [50.29 %] (CO2 Extract) - Boil Hop           5          14.1 IBUs     -             
20.00 g          Azacca [12.20 %] - Steep/Whirlpool  20.0 min, 90 Hop           6          9.1 IBUs      -             
20.00 g          Cryo - Citra [24.50 %] - Steep/Whirlpool  20.0 m Hop           7          18.2 IBUs     -             
20.00 g          Cryo - Mosaic [22.00 %] - Steep/Whirlpool  20.0  Hop           8          16.4 IBUs     -             
20.00 g          LUPOMAX® Centennial [14.00 %] - Steep/Whirlpool  Hop           9          10.4 IBUs     -             
20.00 g          Azacca [12.20 %] - 3.0 Days Before Bottling for  Hop           10         0.0 IBUs      -             
10.00 g          Cryo - Citra [24.50 %] - 3.0 Days Before Bottlin Hop           11         0.0 IBUs      -             
10.00 g          LUPOMAX® Centennial [14.00 %] - 3.0 Days Before  Hop           12         0.0 IBUs      -             

Verdant IPA yeast
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Well yesterday I brewed a rogers clone and the grandkids were here I sparged way too fast and I've missed my OG by 12 points if I boiled up 1 kilo of DME and added that to the fermenter with the cube would that give me the 12 points?

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12 hours ago, Back Brewing said:

Well yesterday I brewed a rogers clone and the grandkids were here I sparged way too fast and I've missed my OG by 12 points if I boiled up 1 kilo of DME and added that to the fermenter with the cube would that give me the 12 points?

Assuming your batch is 23 litres, 1kg of DME will probably get you an extra 14 points.  You could just add the Dry Malt to the fermenter and pour in the cube.  If you want to boil it, perhaps pour a few litres from the cube into a pot then add the Dry Malt and give it a 5 minute boil.  Cool in the sink and add it to the FV.  If you use extra water to boil the Dry Malt, its benefit would be closer to the 12 points you are seeking.

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1 hour ago, Shamus O'Sean said:

Assuming your batch is 23 litres, 1kg of DME will probably get you an extra 14 points.  You could just add the Dry Malt to the fermenter and pour in the cube.  If you want to boil it, perhaps pour a few litres from the cube into a pot then add the Dry Malt and give it a 5 minute boil.  Cool in the sink and add it to the FV.  If you use extra water to boil the Dry Malt, its benefit would be closer to the 12 points you are seeking.

It is 22 litres in the cube what I was going to do is draw 3 litres out of the cube to boil it as I have some late hop additions I have to add but now I am going to use a kilo of DME I will only use 2 litres and the DME will bring it up to 3 litres for the boil. I reckon that should give me the 12 points. Thanks for your input mate

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8 hours ago, Back Brewing said:

It is 22 litres in the cube what I was going to do is draw 3 litres out of the cube to boil it as I have some late hop additions I have to add but now I am going to use a kilo of DME I will only use 2 litres and the DME will bring it up to 3 litres for the boil. I reckon that should give me the 12 points. Thanks for your input mate

Sounds good.  I think you will get a few more points than 12.  Let us know how it turns out.


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11 hours ago, Fair Drinkum Brews said:

Yesterday I started a: 
20L batch of NEIPA
21L batch of Stout 
and 15L batch of IPA

That's a fair day's work, it is good to build up stocks, I need to be doing the same for a while to get a few kegs filled along with a few bottles.

You will find a lot of brewers on Instagram from all over the world, there are a few members on this forum that have a presence also.

I find it a great platform to post, watch & see what's happening in other countries, especially when this forum is quiet during the day.


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Juicy Hazy IPA brew day today.

Aiming for an 8% beer today.  Therefore just a 20 litre batch.  Ended up with an OG of 1.074 instead of 1.080.  Therefore probably closer to 7.5%.

  • 5.5kg Coopers Pale Malt
  • 1.1kg Coopers Wheat Malt
  • 1.1kg Quick Oats
  • Plenty of Rice Hulls - 6-7 handfuls
  • 9g Perle First Wort hops (7 IBU)
  • 36g Citra 20 minute hopstand at 75°C (4 IBU)
  • 24g Amarillo Cryo 20 minute hopstand at 75°C (3 IBU)
  • 22g Mosaic Cryo 20 minute hopstand at 75°C (3 IBU)
  • 21g El Dorado Cryo 20 minute hopstand at 75°C (4 IBU)
  • 21g Sabro Cryo 20 minute hopstand at 75°C (4 IBU)
  • 36g Citra Cryo dry hop
  • 24g Amarillo Cryo dry hop
  • 22g Mosaic Cryo dry hop
  • 21g El Dorado Cryo dry hop
  • 21g Sabro Cryo dry hop
  • Lallemand New England yeast starter

Pretty full mash tun


Nice tunes for Sparge


Transferring to Coopers FV


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10 hours ago, Shamus O'Sean said:

Juicy Hazy IPA brew day today.

Aiming for an 8% beer today.  Therefore just a 20 litre batch.  Ended up with an OG of 1.074 instead of 1.080.  Therefore probably closer to 7.5%.

  • 5.5kg Coopers Pale Malt
  • 1.1kg Coopers Wheat Malt
  • 1.1kg Quick Oats
  • Plenty of Rice Hulls - 6-7 handfuls
  • 9g Perle First Wort hops (7 IBU)
  • 36g Citra 20 minute hopstand at 75°C (4 IBU)
  • 24g Amarillo Cryo 20 minute hopstand at 75°C (3 IBU)
  • 22g Mosaic Cryo 20 minute hopstand at 75°C (3 IBU)
  • 21g El Dorado Cryo 20 minute hopstand at 75°C (4 IBU)
  • 21g Sabro Cryo 20 minute hopstand at 75°C (4 IBU)
  • 36g Citra Cryo dry hop
  • 24g Amarillo Cryo dry hop
  • 22g Mosaic Cryo dry hop
  • 21g El Dorado Cryo dry hop
  • 21g Sabro Cryo dry hop
  • Lallemand New England yeast starter

Pretty full mash tun


Nice tunes for Sparge


Transferring to Coopers FV


When you have Motorcycle Man playing, you know it'll be a good brew day 🙂 🤘


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6 hours ago, Aussiekraut said:

When you have Motorcycle Man playing, you know it'll be a good brew day 🙂 🤘


Agreed.  Music like that seems to move brew days along.

Some people, including me, say Iron Maiden's Live After Death is the best live album ever.  However, Saxon's The Eagle Has Landed is right up there too.

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38 minutes ago, Shamus O'Sean said:

Agreed.  Music like that seems to move brew days along.

Some people, including me, say Iron Maiden's Live After Death is the best live album ever.  However, Saxon's The Eagle Has Landed is right up there too.

I agree. It is a great live album. Not to diss Live After Death of course 😀 My brother had it and it was my first contact with Saxon. Glad I saw them live. They still play good music 🤘

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