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002, Coopers Sparkling Ale


This is one of the carbonation exbeeriment bottles, 650ml primed with 2 carbonation drops. A careful pour produced quite a big head but it settled down pretty well. The top up produced a head on a par with the first pour. The over priming definitely puts the sparkling in this ale.

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Well it is possible to teach a banana bender new tricks.. The glass I'm drinking from is something I picked up from Vinnies today for a buck. An unusual size, 200ml - I thought it was a little large for a pony. It turns out it's a "Butcher", a glass size found only in South Oz. Very fitting for the Coopers site 😎. Maybe some members can shed light on this, is it something you can still order in pubs down there?

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31 minutes ago, Cheap Charlie said:

Well it is possible to teach a banana bender new tricks.. The glass I'm drinking from is something I picked up from Vinnies today for a buck. An unusual size, 200ml - I thought it was a little large for a pony. It turns out it's a "Butcher", a glass size found only in South Oz. Very fitting for the Coopers site 😎. Maybe some members can shed light on this, is it something you can still order in pubs down there?

This one is from Portugal, 200 ml as well


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29 minutes ago, Back Brewing said:

Hmm I'm steeping grains at this stage looks like I may have to try my hand at a mini mash

Probably no difference if you can get a bigger pot and merely hold temperature at around 65. It's not that harder than steeping just on a bigger scale.

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It's Taste Test Challenge time: Fuku Japanese Lager FWK, a.k.a. 008, bottled 13/8/23, conditioned 18 days, lagered 20 days, vs Asahi, Best Before 25/5/24.


This batch involved a priming exbeeriment. This bottle was primed with white sugar.

008 was a shade lighter, had a bigger head, much longer head retention and significantly more lacing. 008 also had a stream of fine bubbles constantly rising through the center whereas the Asahi had larger bubbles that clung to the bottom of the glass, rising sporadically.


The Asahi had a mild bready/grainy aroma. 008 had a stronger and distinctly acetaldehyde aroma (cut pumpkin).

Asahi had a mild, clean, crisp, grainy flavour. 008 had a slightly creamy texture but it was still dryish and crispish. It had an unmistakably acetaldehyde character to the flavour (green apple).

008 does not compare well to Asahi. It tasted better at @Stickers last Saturday after the SMOTY. Here's a tip, if there are obvious flaws in your lager reversing tasting conventions will mask them: go dark then light.

The road testing continues tomorrow, a priming head to head without the baseline comparator. Next week, here, probably, a dextrose primed bottle vs Asahi.

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21 hours ago, Kegory said:

It's Taste Test Challenge time: Fuku Japanese Lager FWK, a.k.a. 008, bottled 13/8/23, conditioned 18 days, lagered 20 days, vs Asahi, Best Before 25/5/24.


This batch involved a priming exbeeriment. This bottle was primed with white sugar.

008 was a shade lighter, had a bigger head, much longer head retention and significantly more lacing. 008 also had a stream of fine bubbles constantly rising through the center whereas the Asahi had larger bubbles that clung to the bottom of the glass, rising sporadically.


The Asahi had a mild bready/grainy aroma. 008 had a stronger and distinctly acetaldehyde aroma (cut pumpkin).

Asahi had a mild, clean, crisp, grainy flavour. 008 had a slightly creamy texture but it was still dryish and crispish. It had an unmistakably acetaldehyde character to the flavour (green apple).

008 does not compare well to Asahi. It tasted better at @Stickers last Saturday after the SMOTY. Here's a tip, if there are obvious flaws in your lager reversing tasting conventions will mask them: go dark then light.

The road testing continues tomorrow, a priming head to head without the baseline comparator. Next week, here, probably, a dextrose primed bottle vs Asahi.

Could someone please translate?

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Enjoying a coupla cold Nut Brown Ale’s on a super spring day down ’ere in the sou’west of WA today 😋

Triple B Brewing - Nut Brown Ale

Followed the Coopers DIY Recipe without deviation using a full 500gms of Crystal Malt and very glad I did.  - Yum ! - I reckon me ‘ol pommie mates would seriously beg, borrow, (nar just) steal ta get their dirty little mitts on me keg of this nectar 😉😂🤣😂🍺🍺

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With the last of the sun for the day, it’s time for a lighter change, but what to have on such a magnificent day ….

How bout a Royal Lager - Arrrh yes, that’ll do nicely - as per the DIY Recipe she’s a cracker - in fact it’s I think it’ll be a daily drinker - very drinkable, nice bite without being over the top. A solid 4.8 outta 5 in my books. 😋😋🍺🍺🍺


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