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Todays tastings


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I remember having a few of these when a mate was over from interstate a few year ago, so I thought I'd get a four pack for inspiration for my next brew. It's very nice. Extremely fruity, and quite bitter. I could probably go one notch down in bitterness. Even the better half liked the smell/aroma but it was way to bitter for her.  

It really does have a spectacular aroma, and after a few swigs, I could change my mind on the bitterness. It's probably the first swig that gives you that "slap in the face" but then it dies down after more swigs. The bitterness does not last on the back of the tongue either, just the fruits and malt as it dies off and leaves a very lingering pleasant taste until it fully disappears. A very good beer IMO. It is a "face punching" hoppy IPA for sure,  but that dies down quickly. I'd love to know the hops in it to try to work a similar, but maybe slightly toned down flavour into a home brew recipe Be warned the 7.9 ABV is apparent after one can 🤪.



Edited by Back2Brewing
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15 hours ago, Back2Brewing said:

I remember having a few of these when a mate was over from interstate a few year ago, so I thought I'd get a four pack for inspiration for my next brew. It's very nice. Extremely fruity, and quite bitter. I could probably go one notch down in bitterness. Even the better half liked the smell/aroma but it was way to bitter for her.  

It really does have a spectacular aroma, and after a few swigs, I could change my mind on the bitterness. It's probably the first swig that gives you that "slap in the face" but then it dies down after more swigs. The bitterness does not last on the back of the tongue either, just the fruits and malt as it dies off and leaves a very lingering pleasant taste until it fully disappears. A very good beer IMO. It is a "face punching" hoppy IPA for sure,  but that dies down quickly. I'd love to know the hops in it to try to work a similar, but maybe slightly toned down flavour into a home brew recipe Be warned the 7.9 ABV is apparent after one can 🤪.



I have been to their brewery a few times & I reckon they have a great range of beers.

It is only a 40-minute drive from my place & they have also opened in the middle of the city.

ai like their Ales, IPA & XPA But haven't tried the stout yet.


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12 hours ago, Brauhaus Fritz said:

Is it just on my page, or is the forum full of spam and fake posts? Please administers , fix it. So many new members in the last two days posting bullshit spam

Everyone, everywhere. Totally clobbered.


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23 hours ago, Uhtred Of Beddanburg said:

Longneck for a 10 minute walk Saturday night about to go have another now. Glad to see the bots have been deleted. 

There must be some miserable people around to do that. I noticed it was all American crap and coopers use the yanks for the website.


Nice beer that one.

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