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26 minutes ago, Classic Brewing Co said:

Anyone into tattoos? Check this dude out, looks like he is smoking a joint, maybe to help with the pain.

I don't have any tattoos, but I am sure some of you have. I thought this was slightly overdone 🤔



Somehow this post was difficult to send, I thought it might be the moderators. Somehow it has bobbed up twice & I can't delete it.

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13 minutes ago, Classic Brewing Co said:

Yeah, you gotta really want them, they last for a long time. 💀

Yeah, it's a strange world we live in Phil. Not that long ago people who'd had ink artwork etched into their skin were desperately trying all sorts of ways to have it removed. Now it seems it's fashionable again and quite acceptable. That is until the next fad.....I remember when I was a kid all the uncles and Dad's mates had 'em - mostly badly drawn anchors or some such etc.....

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i dont mind looking at tattoo's specially really good tats.   would i ever get one   well no i wouldn't  get one  

those with tats like they have that picture   is over kill  and anyone tattooing there face  its not a great look to me know matter how good it looks

a girl said to me once what are you looking at

i said your artwork on ya face

she said please dont look at me

I said then why do have tattoos on ya body  and want to express it as art if you do not wish people to look

She said its for me to admire and no one else

I said if thats the case then why  have visible tats then


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I have no tattoos and doubt I'll ever get any. My dad ensured I wouldn't get any. He has a couple. One beauty from his youth on his forearm was a skull with a dagger through it and a sash that used to say, "DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR". My dad was a bit of a toughie in his youth. LOL. The tattoo now reads, "GLUBL XFQRWG QYZWPKLWG" because it's spread and is now illegible.
Your body, your choice but many people with tattoos make me laugh because I know most of them got their tattoos because it's a current trend and they wanted to be one of the cool kids. To justify their poor decision (in my view) they say things like, "I like the art of them".  Yeah right! So why did you get the tatt on the nape of your neck or the small of your back where you'll never see it? Lemmings.🤣

Footnote: I know I'm being judgemental and I may put some offside but I'm right. Hahaha.

Edited by Malter White
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38 minutes ago, Malter White said:

I have no tattoos and doubt I'll ever get any. My dad ensured I wouldn't get any. He has a couple. One beauty from his youth on his forearm was a skull with a dagger through it and a sash that used to say, "DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR". My dad was a bit of a toughie in his youth. LOL. The tattoo now reads, "GLUBL XFQRWG QYZWPKLWG" because it's spread and is now illegible.
Your body, your choice but many people with tattoos make me laugh because I know most of them got their tattoos because it's a current trend and they wanted to be one of the cool kids. To justify their poor decision (in my view) they say things like, "I like the art of them".  Yeah right! So why did you get the tatt on the nape of your neck or the small of your back where you'll never see it? Lemmings.🤣

Footnote: I know I'm being judgemental and I may put some offside but I'm right. Hahaha.

I agree with you

The tatts that really make me  go what the heck   are total black out Tattoo's

you want to call Tattoo's art , then expect people to look and judge your art 


Edited by ozdevil
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52 minutes ago, Malter White said:

I have no tattoos and doubt I'll ever get any. My dad ensured I wouldn't get any. He has a couple. One beauty from his youth on his forearm was a skull with a dagger through it and a sash that used to say, "DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR". My dad was a bit of a toughie in his youth. LOL. The tattoo now reads, "GLUBL XFQRWG QYZWPKLWG" because it's spread and is now illegible.
Your body, your choice but many people with tattoos make me laugh because I know most of them got their tattoos because it's a current trend and they wanted to be one of the cool kids. To justify their poor decision (in my view) they say things like, "I like the art of them".  Yeah right! So why did you get the tatt on the nape of your neck or the small of your back where you'll never see it? Lemmings.🤣

Footnote: I know I'm being judgemental and I may put some offside but I'm right. Hahaha.

I agree Malter.

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19 minutes ago, stquinto said:

It’s a bit unrepeatable on this family forum, but there was the joke a while back with the punchline “Welcome to Jamaica and have a nice day”…

😉😂 It's a longish punchline too.

Edited by Mickep
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On 1/1/2023 at 3:01 PM, Red devil 44 said:

I don’t have any, but it is in the plans for 2023. 
For now these guys will have to do. Go the Tatts, top band. 😂😂


The guy with the headband on is Jimmy Barnes son, Jackie. Excellent drummer.

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I have a few tattoos but no random stuff, no half or full sleeves and surely no tribals. The ones I have all have a meaning and I will probably not get another. But hands, neck and head are off limits. Not even a guy with a lawnmower on a bald head 🙂 I think the fella in the photo has overcooked it a little, but hey who am I to judge? 


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49 minutes ago, Otto Von Blotto said:

I have four, all but one are visible unless I wear a singlet in which case they all are. I may or may not get any more, it's not really a priority right now given the expense. 

I'm glad you raised the issue of the expense, Otto. It always had me scratching my head when driving the buses how some people apparently couldn't afford bus fare but they had numerous tattoos and that's probably why they couldn't afford bus fare. LOL

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More than likely 😂 I do have a couple of ideas of what I might get to add to the current ones, but they'd be at least $500 a piece I'm guessing. 

As for the other Tatts, I have had a little personal exposure to them. Back when I was playing music, the band I was in at the time recorded an EP at Geordie Leach's home studio somewhere around the Tweed area. He was a good bloke. Around the same time we travelled to Sydney with a mate's band as roadies when they were support for the Tatts, my job was to sit behind the amps and keep the guitars in tune, then try to pack everything up after their show. Afterwards we partied backstage as you do. Mick Cocks and Paul Demarco were still in the band then, as was Geordie. After that we went to some high rise apartment and kept going, didn't even stay in the motel we'd paid for 🤣 A few years later they were playing up here and I went with my now ex, we sneaked backstage after the gig, got a photo each with Angry so that was cool. 


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