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My story might get told

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Been lying low lately, gotta move house - the new owners have kicked us out after 14 years - sigh! The rental market is nuts in Victoria and probably country wide TBH.

In amongst all that I've been working with a mate of mine on a story we have been writing for about 13 years - hoping that one day it might be made into a docu-series.

Finally a small break -through - got meetings in LA in the States with a top line production company - Our little story has been placed into development.

Just a bit excited! I head off this evening for LA - then New York, onto Dallas, and then back to LA. If this thing gets green lit it'll be huge.


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24 minutes ago, Tricky Micky said:

Been lying low lately, gotta move house - the new owners have kicked us out after 14 years - sigh! The rental market is nuts in Victoria and probably country wide TBH.

In amongst all that I've been working with a mate of mine on a story we have been writing for about 13 years - hoping that one day it might be made into a docu-series.

Finally a small break -through - got meetings in LA in the States with a top line production company - Our little story has been placed into development.

Just a bit excited! I head off this evening for LA - then New York, onto Dallas, and then back to LA. If this thing gets green lit it'll be huge.


Great, Mick, I wish you all the best with it.

On the rental issue I sympathise as rental properties are scarce & also peaking at ridiculous prices these days.

Adelaide is also extremely hard for those seeking a property.

I hope it all goes well for you.

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@Tricky Micky   i can understand your predicament , in ways i now regret selling up in Adelaide  to move to Victoria  and  now   renting ever since , Specially here under Dan and now Jacinta Allan.   your Spot on  i have a long term rental  where i am   and its going to come a day  where my landlord will sell   or die and his daughter will redevelop  the land i am on as you could fit  2 decent  units on  .   and  not easy when ya been used to 14 years   and becuase the landlords are getting slugged the land tax  etc   they feel  they cant pass on the costs and feel  to invest else where so they sell up there nest eggs.  as whats in a difficult market for us renters

also top stuff mate   and hope your doco  gets  seen all over the world  and get you that small fortune and fame mate

enjoy your  work trip mate 

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Sorry to hear of the house move @Tricky Micky, and yes the rental market Australia wide is absolutely crazy, we are just not building enough houses in Australia and hence there is a major deficiency on the supply side.

Great news to hear that your story may get an airing, best of luck with your meetings in the States and looking forward to it going into production 😁

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@Tricky Micky Great news on the production. Wishing you the best for it going forward.

It seems like you're keeping your cards close to your chest but can you give us an idea what it's about without letting the cat out of the bag completely?

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9 hours ago, kmar92 said:

yes the rental market Australia wide is absolutely crazy, we are just not building enough houses in Australia and hence there is a major deficiency on the supply side.

i do not think it is this  that we are not building enough houses  there is number of factors causing

building materials like most things therse days are in short demand 
immagration  is another factor as more and more come to Australia  its leaving  us residents having to compete
landlords are selling there homes   or they are entering the airb&b   rather then staying in long term rental

the government federal as well as  state have to really look into this as we are heading backwards here


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Congrats on the story news. Hope it all goes your way.

As for the rental market, It appears to be really bad everywhere. Renting a house costs nowadays a week what it was a month 25 years ago. Unfortunately, incomes have not quadrupled since then. Buying isn't much easier, although it seems that mortgage payments are less than rent. That is the odd thing. The banks tell people they can't afford the mortgage payments but at the same time, people are expected to pay more than that in rent. 

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On 5/5/2024 at 3:02 PM, Malter White said:

@Tricky Micky Great news on the production. Wishing you the best for it going forward.

It seems like you're keeping your cards close to your chest but can you give us an idea what it's about without letting the cat out of the bag completely?

M Dubbya, sorry for the mysteriousness on this - I've had to keep a lid on things as the 2 production companies involved (1 in Oz and one in LA) have asked the treatment/concept not be shared about. Which I've agreed to. But what I will say is that my visit to Dallas is the clue 😂


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I started my journey on the 5th of May so these pics are a few days behind where I'm at currently. Flew into LA and stayed overnight out near the airport for a connecting flight next day to NY.

First day - staying in Jersey City . Visited NYC and the WTC Ground Zero memorial. Emotional and overwhelming is how I'd describe the location and the monument. A bit numbing to be honest.









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9 hours ago, Tricky Micky said:

M Dubbya, sorry for the mysteriousness on this - I've had to keep a lid on things as the 2 production companies involved (1 in Oz and one in LA) have asked the treatment/concept not be shared about. Which I've agreed to. But what I will say is that my visit to Dallas is the clue 😂


Nice. I've worked it out from your clue. You're making a sequel, "Micky Does Dallas". 🍆💋🤣🤣

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8 hours ago, Malter White said:

Nice. I've worked it out from your clue. You're making a sequel, "Micky Does Dallas". 🍆💋🤣🤣

M Dubbya, that's just too funny, you made me laugh out loud. Cheers!

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The bronze sphere which sat between the towers symbolising world peace survived the devastation of the 9/11 attacks. Here it stands as a reminder, charred and twisted.






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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Mick, I’ve been lying low lately too, so missed the start of this.

Sounds bloody exciting (the trip and docu-series, not the rental debacle)! I hope you have a safe and successful trip in the states and return home with some good news.

Go well young fella 👍

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I always said you were a gentleman Tricky ( which you undoubtedly are ), but now we know there is a lot more going on behind the scenes with you.

You are our original Tricky Micky. I wait with baited breath on your journey ( hahaha get it baited breath.....fisherman.......glad i wasnt a comedian 🤔 )

All the best wishes and luck, keep us posted as much as possible.

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