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Brew Day What Did You Make - 2024

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5 hours ago, NBillett09 said:

I have a pump for keeping fish alive in a bucket which sounds similar to you pond pump albeit maybe smaller, do you reckon that with an inline filter and air diffusion stone this would work for wort aeration? How long would you run it when only pumping ambient air through not pure oxygen?

do you find it makes much difference?

That's essentially what I use, except my diffusion stone is on the end of a stainless steel wand.

I run mine while I am transferring to the fermenter or doing other stuff.  So it could go for 30 minutes or more.  I am not sure how long it really needs to go for.  However, when you are just pumping air into the wort, I heard you cannot overdo it.  Pure oxygen from a tank has recommended dosage times.

I have no idea if it actually makes a difference.  I have never done a side-by-side comparison.  After temperature control, aerating your wort is one of those recommended secondary processes to adopt for making better beer.  So I do it.

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It’s been 60 days since I last brewed as BrefFather tells me. I lived off the cubes I had accumulated doing double batches 😀

this one is an experiment to showcase crypto pop hop blend. It’s a little strange because there are no boil additions at all. A 20 minute hop stand @90C should give me heaps of flavour and an incredible 35IBU (0.65 BU/GU), from 50g 23.9% AA hops. Let’s see. The beer itself is uneventful, 4kg Voyager Veloria, 1kg Vienna, 1kg Wheat and a little Caramunich II for colour. Mashed at 66.7 for 75 minutes for a medium body beer. Nottingham will do the heavy lifting. 






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A Märzen that should be done just in time for the Oktoberfest. This one will go into the FV tomorrow and then I’ll start stocking up cubes. Next in the list is an experiment and then a Coopers APA double batch. Should be good.



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My first attempt at a Kölsch. It was supposed to end up at 1.048, it was 1.060. I added 3 litres of water and it brought it down to 1.046 or so. After the mash and sparge it was 1.020, which seemed wrong. I had meant to make a yeast starter but never got round to it, so I pitched three packs of dried yeast, two of which I hydrated as per the instructions. 
Anyway, it’s bubbling away merrily in the fermenting fridge, at 14C. 38 litres will give me two cornies.









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So batch number three un the current cycle. This one is a simpleish pale ale only using African Queen hops from South Africa. Looking forward to this one as the hop may be suitable for darker beers, given its black currant and raisin flavours. Let us see. 





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7 hours ago, Aussiekraut said:

African Queen hops from South Africa. Looking forward to this one as the hop may be suitable for darker beers, given its black currant and raisin flavours.

That sounds really nice.  I used Bramling Cross, which also has a black current note, in a couple of Stouts.  They were both really nice beers.  It is hard to find Bramling Cross though.  African Queen might be easier to find.

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9 hours ago, Shamus O'Sean said:

That sounds really nice.  I used Bramling Cross, which also has a black current note, in a couple of Stouts.  They were both really nice beers.  It is hard to find Bramling Cross though.  African Queen might be easier to find.

Yeah, a quick google got me some AQ hops but none of the shops here have it, not even Hoppy Days.  I still have some Bramling Cross somewhere. The beer I wanted them for never eventuated, so the hops have been sitting in the freezer since 🙂 

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Thats the Marzen I made @Tone boy, my first AG. Turned out nicely



Bavarian Bliss (Marzen)

5.6% / 15.3 °P

Recipe by

David Kelley

All Grain

BrewZilla / RoboBrew 35L

75% efficiency

Batch Volume: 20 L

Boil Time: 90 min


Mash Water: 23.48 L

Sparge Water: 6.3 L

Total Water: 29.78 L

Boil Volume: 26.37 L

Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.052


Original Gravity: 1.063

Final Gravity: 1.020

IBU (Tinseth): 25

BU/GU: 0.39

Colour: 26 EBC 





Temperature — 66 °C  60 min

Malts (5.575 kg)

2 kg (35.9%) — Weyermann Floor-Malted Bohemian Pilsner Malt — Grain — 3.7 EBC

2 kg (35.9%)  Gladfield Munich Malt — Grain — 15 EBC

800 g (14.4%) — Gladfield Malt Gladfield Vienna Malt — Grain — 8.2 EBC

300 g (5.4%) — Joe White Maltings Munich, Dark — Grain — 29.5 EBC

250 g (4.5%) — Gladfield Malt Gladfield Chit Malt — Grain — 3 EBC

125 g (2.2%) — BESTMALZ BEST Acidulated Malt — Grain — 3 EBC

100 g (1.8%) — Gladfield Malt Gladfield Chocolate Rye Malt — Grain — 650 EBC

Hops (60 g)

15 g (11 IBU)  5% — First Wort

20 g (12 IBU)  5% — Boil  60 min

25 g (IBU)  5% — Boil  5 min


1 pkg — Mangrove Jack's M84 Bohemian Lager Yeast 69%


Primary — 15 °C  14 days

Edited by Brauhaus Fritz II
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A stone & wood clone done and dusted in the cube and a nice pint of little creatures Roger clone to finish off for the day the coffee and toffee tones are really at the front of the Rogers clone


Edited by Back Brewing
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4 hours ago, Aussiekraut said:

A double batch of COPA. It was the 4th and last brewday for the week. Two more brews to go before the cubes are full again. 

Nice full brew system.  Putting it to good use.

What's your recipe?

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Belgian Pale Ale today.  Basically a Pale Ale recipe but using Belgian Abbaye yeast.  And used some Dextrose to simulate Clear Candi Sugar.

22 litre concentrated wort, diluted with 8 litres to a 30 litre batch.  5% ABV; 1.044 OG; 1.006 FG; 8 EBC; 28 IBU.

  • 4kg Coopers Ale Malt
  • 1kg Vienna Malt
  • 400g Dextrose
  • 250g Acidulated Malt
  • 30g Perle - 60 minute boil (20 IBU)
  • 50g Hallertauer Mittelfrueh - 25 minute boil (8 IBU)
  • Lallemand Belgian Abbaye yeast

Just finished the sparge


15 litres in each Keg King Fermenter King Junior.  The one on the right is murky due to being stirred up by the bubbles from my aeration wand (the stainless steel tube)


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Brew day yesterday was a 40 litre batch of Goose Island IPA. It turned out slightly below OG at 1.056 instead of 1.058. 
I has collected three jars of Notto trub bit two of them grew a fur coat, and the remaining one smelled a bit iffy. I hydrated and pitched a pack of Notto and a pack of London.

No activity yet but I’m sure it’ll get going.





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3 hours ago, Back Brewing said:

How many litres was the brew? doesn't seem to be much water in the mash stage and what was the boil volume?

20ltr brew, 16ltr mash, 15ltr sparge as per beersmith, 26ltr boil vol.

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Hefeweizen time. This was a little shocker this brew day. Well, the brew day went ok but the result I am not too sure about. It started with me accidentally using half a kilo more wheat than planned. Well, no biggie. When it came to boiling time, the pre-boil sample read 1.038 vs the estimated 1.048. A couple of points here or there isn't an issue as we know but 10, despite using more grain than needed? Well, she'll be right. In the end, what I cubed had an SG of 1.045, a whopping 11 points off the mark and despite a 5l boiloff instead of the usual 4l. I figured out how to trick the BZ into giving me a constant rolling boil by sticking the thermometer into the hop spider. It seems to be just a tad cooler in there and rarely hits 100C, so the machine just keeps heating to a temp it'll never reach hehe. The only explanation I have is that something went wrong in the mash. Yes, the half-kilo extra wheat was probably not the freshest, as it had been sitting around for a while and was already crushed but that shouldn't cause something like this. The sparge was fine, so the grain bed wasn't an issue. I have never missed the mark by that much. still scratching my head 




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Brew day today a 54 L batch of my Premium Pale Lager with Summer hops, it will be dirty batched tomorrow onto the trub of Dubbya for the fourth in a row.  No photos as just too busy as my shed internet went off line since I have been away.  Suspect a rat has had a chew on the cable coming through the roof from the house.  Had to fault find and trouble shoot while brewing.  Ended up running a new Cat 6 line.

Finally got back on-line so I could use BrewFather and update the batch and inventory stuff and enter the specs of the brew.  Efficiency was through the roof, plus 8 points of both pre-boil and post boil SG so I will have to adjust the top up water to get the ABV back down to where I want it. 

Mash efficiency estimated at 84.3 % actual was 91.47 %

Brewhouse efficiency estimated at 81.3 % actual was 98.13 %

The 60 minute mash turned out to be a 90 minute one and also the mash out blew out from 15 minutes to 30 minutes while I was stuffing around with a new cable, so that may have contributed to the big efficiencies.

Edited by iBooz2
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On 8/30/2024 at 7:38 AM, Aussiekraut said:

I used the one in the BrewFather library and adjusted it to the double batch volume.

If its my COPA off BrewFather (Alicat) then I have since modified my recipe a tad, the wheat malt is now roughly double what it was shown in that recipe.  If I get time I will share the COPA v 2.0 via Brewfather library for you.

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