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Surely this is enough to stop this person from trying to gain power, he is facing a lot more to come so I think the road will be rocky from now on.

That is only my opinion.


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On 2/17/2024 at 9:29 AM, Classic Brewing Co said:

Surely this is enough to stop this person from trying to gain power, he is facing a lot more to come so I think the road will be rocky from now on.

That is only my opinion.


Trump is a f whit for sure, but surely you'd rather him than Biden. The Presidential Candidate Cupboard is bare in America at the moment.

They're just puppets anyway, smarter people call the shots.

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2 minutes ago, Pale Man said:

Trump is a f whit for sure, but surely you'd rather him than Biden. The Presidential Candidate Cupboard is bare in America at the moment.

They're just puppets anyway, smarter people call the shots.

I would rather Biden than Trump, however Joe is old & tired, but I would like to see Trump completely removed from the program, he is just power hungry with no political background & a danger to the world with all of his insane rantings.

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On 2/18/2024 at 4:06 PM, Classic Brewing Co said:

I would rather Biden than Trump, however Joe is old & tired, but I would like to see Trump completely removed from the program, he is just power hungry with no political background & a danger to the world with all of his insane rantings.

Biden may be old and tired but Dopy Don isn't a spring chicken either. I think there should be an age limit for politicians anyway. Once they reach retirement age, it should be the end of the road for them. I'm not ageist in any way but Biden is old and tired and doesn't have the energy needed for the job and Trump is losing the plot too. His memory leaps are quite staggering. 


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On 2/18/2024 at 4:00 PM, Pale Man said:

Trump is a f whit for sure, but surely you'd rather him than Biden. The Presidential Candidate Cupboard is bare in America at the moment.

They're just puppets anyway, smarter people call the shots.

Trump is unreliable and to some extent unpredictable. The amount of allies he has alienated during his 4 years in office is staggering. His idea of not aiding NATO members in case of an attack if they don't spend as much on defence as HE wants them to spend is a scary thought. He exits agreements unilaterally, he breaches contracts, he insults everybody disagreeing with him and so on. 4 years is enough, plus it is imperative that he doesn't get a second term. Simply because he always had a laugh at one-term presidents. It would be sooooo good if he remained one too 🙂 

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1 hour ago, Aussiekraut said:

Trump is unreliable and to some extent unpredictable. The amount of allies he has alienated during his 4 years in office is staggering. His idea of not aiding NATO members in case of an attack if they don't spend as much on defence as HE wants them to spend is a scary thought. He exits agreements unilaterally, he breaches contracts, he insults everybody disagreeing with him and so on. 4 years is enough, plus it is imperative that he doesn't get a second term. Simply because he always had a laugh at one-term presidents. It would be sooooo good if he remained one too 🙂 

I totally agree AK, Trump is only power hungry & seems to be just proving a point that he could get the top job if he wanted to, he has a following of rednecks that seems to be dwindling.

One would think that he would be better off dealing with his own (criminal) problems. If he is convicted, he could go down the steps, which is the best place for him.

Biden on the other hand apart from being old is getting the job done & many forget that he was Vice President for 8 years under Obama, so he has lots of experience.

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5 hours ago, Classic Brewing Co said:

Biden on the other hand apart from being old is getting the job done & many forget that he was Vice President for 8 years under Obama, so he has lots of experience.

The man at times can hardly string two words together. He babbles on like he's just had a lobotomy.

He belongs in a nursing home, not the leader of the Western World.

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5 minutes ago, Pale Man said:

The man at times can hardly string two words together. He babbles on like he's just had a lobotomy.

He belongs in a nursing home, not the leader of the Western World.

Yeah, I agree, but Trump has to go. I don't follow it enough to know the other choices but then why should we worry, apart from the obvious strife they can cause.

Australia has a lot to sort out with the present administration.


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6 minutes ago, Classic Brewing Co said:

Yeah, I agree, but Trump has to go. I don't follow it enough to know the other choices but then why should we worry, apart from the obvious strife they can cause.

Australia has a lot to sort out with the present administration.


I'm no Trump fan for sure, theres just nobody half decent available. Sad state of affairs in the US.

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12 hours ago, Classic Brewing Co said:

many forget that he was Vice President for 8 years under Obama, so he has lots of experience.

Thats the problem he’s probably one of the many🤣

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  • 5 months later...
5 hours ago, Pale Man said:

Bidens out of the running. I think it's Trumps to lose.

I agree Paley, nothing more than damage control to my mind from the Democrats - salvaging as much as they can. The polls were suggesting a huge win to Trump in November if Biden remained on the ticket.

I have a couple of American friends who fear for the US's future. Very sad.

Edited by Tricky Micky
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12 hours ago, Pale Man said:

Bidens out of the running. I think it's Trumps to lose.

I would be extremely worried if I was the  trump  dude  

alot of you may think Trump is the shoe in but you guys are forgetting 
a huge piece of this puzzle  

what will now happen if this Kamala Harris runs for presidency  and she will be fool if she doesnt.
but alot of  Female trump supporters will now  turn on  trump and as well more females will 
now give there votes  to Kamala Harris.

What will help Trumps cause if another democrate enters the race   and make it a 3 candidates to run

the 2 democrates  will be fighting  between themselves and leaving  trump to run his own race without a challange which may turn the voters that are voting democrate to the trump party

if Trump  gets in not only will the u.s fear for the future ,  the world needs to fear for the future.   Trump is foolish enough to press the red button for world war 3 

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1 hour ago, ozdevil said:

I would be extremely worried if I was the  trump  dude  

alot of you may think Trump is the shoe in but you guys are forgetting 
a huge piece of this puzzle  

what will now happen if this Kamala Harris runs for presidency  and she will be fool if she doesnt.
but alot of  Female trump supporters will now  turn on  trump and as well more females will 
now give there votes  to Kamala Harris.

What will help Trumps cause if another democrate enters the race   and make it a 3 candidates to run

the 2 democrates  will be fighting  between themselves and leaving  trump to run his own race without a challange which may turn the voters that are voting democrate to the trump party

if Trump  gets in not only will the u.s fear for the future ,  the world needs to fear for the future.   Trump is foolish enough to press the red button for world war 3 

I agree, I would like to think that Ms Harris gets the vote & takes it right to the top.

Trump is not only an idiot, he was lucky his alleged assassin missed.

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On 7/22/2024 at 5:58 PM, ozdevil said:

I would be extremely worried if I was the  trump  dude  

alot of you may think Trump is the shoe in but you guys are forgetting 
a huge piece of this puzzle  

what will now happen if this Kamala Harris runs for presidency  and she will be fool if she doesnt.
but alot of  Female trump supporters will now  turn on  trump and as well more females will 
now give there votes  to Kamala Harris.

What will help Trumps cause if another democrate enters the race   and make it a 3 candidates to run

the 2 democrates  will be fighting  between themselves and leaving  trump to run his own race without a challange which may turn the voters that are voting democrate to the trump party

if Trump  gets in not only will the u.s fear for the future ,  the world needs to fear for the future.   Trump is foolish enough to press the red button for world war 3 

How bloody true 😥

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22 minutes ago, John304 said:
On 7/22/2024 at 6:28 PM, ozdevil said:

I would be extremely worried if I was the  trump  dude  

alot of you may think Trump is the shoe in but you guys are forgetting 
a huge piece of this puzzle  

what will now happen if this Kamala Harris runs for presidency  and she will be fool if she doesnt.
but alot of  Female trump supporters will now  turn on  trump and as well more females will 
now give there votes  to Kamala Harris.

What will help Trumps cause if another democrate enters the race   and make it a 3 candidates to run

the 2 democrates  will be fighting  between themselves and leaving  trump to run his own race without a challange which may turn the voters that are voting democrate to the trump party

if Trump  gets in not only will the u.s fear for the future ,  the world needs to fear for the future.   Trump is foolish enough to press the red button for world war 3 

How bloody true 😥

but alot of  Female trump supporters will now  turn on  trump and as well more females will 
now give there votes  to Kamala Harris.


Maybe that's true. Who knows? Interesting link here to an article regarding the 2016 election result - Clinton v Trump.


It reaffirms many of the key findings about how different groups voted – and the composition of the electorate – that emerged from post-election analyses based on other surveys. Consistent with other analyses and past elections, race was strongly correlated with voting preference in 2016. But there are some differences as well. For instance, the wide educational divisions among white voters seen in other surveys are even more striking in these data.

2-12.png Among validated voters in 2016, wide gap among whites by education

Overall, whites with a four-year college degree or more education made up 30% of all validated voters. Among these voters, far more (55%) said they voted for Clinton than for Trump (38%). Among the much larger group of white voters who had not completed college (44% of all voters), Trump won by more than two-to-one (64% to 28%).

There also were large differences in voter preferences by gender, age and marital status. Women were 13 percentage points more likely than men to have voted for Clinton (54% among women, 41% among men). The gender gap was particularly large among validated voters younger than 50. In this group, 63% of women said they voted for Clinton, compared with just 43% of men. Among voters ages 50 and older, the gender gap in support for Clinton was much narrower (48% vs. 40%).

About half (52%) of validated voters were married; among them, Trump had a 55% to 39% majority. Among unmarried voters, Clinton led by a similar margin (58% to 34%).

Just 13% of validated voters in 2016 were younger than 30. Voters in this age group reported voting for Clinton over Trump by a margin of 58% to 28%, with 14% supporting one of the third-party candidates. Among voters ages 30 to 49, 51% supported Clinton and 40% favored Trump. Trump had an advantage among 50- to 64-year-old voters (51% to 45%) and those 65 and older (53% to 44%).


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6 hours ago, Tricky Micky said:

but alot of  Female trump supporters will now  turn on  trump and as well more females will 
now give there votes  to Kamala Harris.


Maybe that's true. Who knows? Interesting link here to an article regarding the 2016 election result - Clinton v Trump.


It reaffirms many of the key findings about how different groups voted – and the composition of the electorate – that emerged from post-election analyses based on other surveys. Consistent with other analyses and past elections, race was strongly correlated with voting preference in 2016. But there are some differences as well. For instance, the wide educational divisions among white voters seen in other surveys are even more striking in these data.

2-12.png Among validated voters in 2016, wide gap among whites by education

Overall, whites with a four-year college degree or more education made up 30% of all validated voters. Among these voters, far more (55%) said they voted for Clinton than for Trump (38%). Among the much larger group of white voters who had not completed college (44% of all voters), Trump won by more than two-to-one (64% to 28%).

There also were large differences in voter preferences by gender, age and marital status. Women were 13 percentage points more likely than men to have voted for Clinton (54% among women, 41% among men). The gender gap was particularly large among validated voters younger than 50. In this group, 63% of women said they voted for Clinton, compared with just 43% of men. Among voters ages 50 and older, the gender gap in support for Clinton was much narrower (48% vs. 40%).

About half (52%) of validated voters were married; among them, Trump had a 55% to 39% majority. Among unmarried voters, Clinton led by a similar margin (58% to 34%).

Just 13% of validated voters in 2016 were younger than 30. Voters in this age group reported voting for Clinton over Trump by a margin of 58% to 28%, with 14% supporting one of the third-party candidates. Among voters ages 30 to 49, 51% supported Clinton and 40% favored Trump. Trump had an advantage among 50- to 64-year-old voters (51% to 45%) and those 65 and older (53% to 44%).


The biggest problem with attempting to analyze voting trends in the USA, is that voting is not compulsory. So on election day you get a huge skew to the voters that are excited or beholden to 1 party or individual and that makes an election winning difference to the final vote.

Americans do not vote as a whole of nation vote, they vote in a very isolated way that is influenced so much by media etc, i.e. if the voters feels that the Republicans will win the vote, then the Democrat voters don't bother to even vote and that skews results markedly.

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On 7/22/2024 at 6:28 PM, ozdevil said:

if Trump  gets in not only will the u.s fear for the future ,  the world needs to fear for the future.   Trump is foolish enough to press the red button for world war 3 

I'm not sure why you say this. Apparently he is one of a few people on the planet smart enough to understand how things really are.

He knows sending more money and weapons will only drag the conflict on for longer and cost more lives.

He also knows that deep down the United States helped to fuel this conflict by joining more European countries into NATO. Then placing missile systems in these countries to provoke things. 

Russia needs access to the ocean one that's not frozen most of the year like the one north of the country in the arctic circle.  And not one on the far east of the country away from the big cities. 

Also I'm so sick of hearing about poor pallestine.  It is Jewish land I'm not religious but read the bible. All these so called places they are illegally occupying has been Jewish land for thousands of years.

Genetically Jews from Israel not Europe are the same as pallestinians. 

The difference and reason for conflict? Religion.

Islam stems from Judaism and has only been around since 610 AD. Before this they were one people.

It would be nice if the News could start getting things right and stop pushing the left wing agenda. 

The United nations is corrupt and the world's biggest bully. 

Exactly why brexit happened so they could control their own immigration from these war torn countries. 

If only Australia was smart enough to realise.

And yeah China as well I guess. For years the united states controlled everything in the world and now they have some competition.

How many times did the great USA almost shut down because couldn't pay debts?  They just keep printing money and writing their own rules. 

Funny how the countries that want to go back to using gold reserves as a form of insurance for loans are the so called evil ones.

Edited by Uhtred Of Beddanburg
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@Tricky Micky mickey those figures prove that College grads are really the dumbest people. Voting for Hillary OMG. 

She couldn't even win an Election with all the Illegal Immigrants voting for her 🤣

Both choices were bad but her? 

All those cover ups over the pedaphilia with her husband. Disgraces of humans and she got all those votes. USA really is full of idiots. 

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and I was not drunk last night either I was on night shift and these are my honest views of world politics. If anyone wants to carry on so be it. 

I'm not even sure why this classic keeps posting this stuff on here anyway. Politics should be one thing banned on the forum. especially if people are going off mainstream media that has an agenda to push.

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On 2/21/2024 at 8:52 AM, Aussiekraut said:

Trump is unreliable and to some extent unpredictable. The amount of allies he has alienated during his 4 years in office is staggering. His idea of not aiding NATO members in case of an attack if they don't spend as much on defence as HE wants them to spend is a scary thought. He exits agreements unilaterally, he breaches contracts, he insults everybody disagreeing with him and so on. 4 years is enough, plus it is imperative that he doesn't get a second term. Simply because he always had a laugh at one-term presidents. It would be sooooo good if he remained one too 🙂 

I think now it could be all about to change given the recent news on Kamalah Harris's progress, let's hope so anyway,  to get rid of Trump once & for all.

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8 hours ago, Uhtred Of Beddanburg said:


I'm not even sure why this classic keeps posting this stuff on here anyway. Politics should be one thing banned on the forum. especially if people are going off mainstream media that has an agenda to push.

He just likes to tweak your sensitivities.

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