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Two Prominent Craft Breweries Sell Out


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I read that it was part of the deal that Nail would continue to brew there.


It is a tough gig running a craft brewery. Expensive set up and expansion costs, tight margins, small distribution channels etc.


Hopefully the big boys don’t tinker with them too much, although their track record isn’t great.

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I work with a fella who's good mates with them both. And as hairy said I second that nail will still be able to brew there.


Being a West Aussie myself it's a shame that this had to happen however understandably so. If ya out of money, your out of money.


The craft brew seen over here isn't that great considering the amount of people that travel to the swan valley and Margaret River area to consume copious amounts of wine.


My local brewery (also family friend) is selling up too. Again just like hairy said it's a tough gig.


I say good luck to em and also a big thanks to those who have been at the forefront of the craft beer scene to help us all enjoy better beer. Without these smaller brew pubs, beer would not be as good as it is today and I know I would probably still be drinking yellow fissy water thinking it's good beer.



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I suppose it's hardly surprising, for the factors everyone has already mentioned, and really money's money, I wouldn't automatically stop buying them because they were swallowed up by the big players...


But the thing that annoys me is Australia's craft beer scene is already behind the USA and NZ, and when you add into the mix the fact that the tax system is set up to favour low alcohol, low flavour beers (in terms of profitability) and in Qld at least the distribution setup is also crap, then those factors inevitably pull breweries back to bland product. Everytime small breweries sell up that puts us another step back.


Everytime I go visit the rellies back home in Christchurch I'm blown away by the beer selections in the supermarket there, makes you wanna weep coming back here. You actually have to have a decent look to find a low carb no flavour pisswater there, whereas here you're wading through mountains of that to find the one IPA .


Don't think that will change in a hurry, since any changes to the way things run here would have the appearance of encouraging beer consumption, and all the health nuts would be up in arms.

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