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I've seen a few porters and porter recipes that use vanilla beans in them. So maybe a porter would be good for it? I don't know which of those two to use as it's not something I've looked into much but I'd be leaning towards extract. Someone should have a more definitive answer though. [joyful]

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Hi guys.


Good topic Ruddager. Are you using the vanilla in a dark beer? I'm assuming you are. [innocent]


I'm very interested in this discussion as I'm going to put down at least one Porter this month that has a mix of bourbon, oak chips & vanilla bean as part of it's make-up. I may even throw some honey into it as well!


Potential Category Winner! [lol]


On a side note, it's about time you coughed up some info on that "Poita Porter" AdamH? [biggrin]



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I'm interested in hearing people's experiences with vanilla in brewing.


I'm planning on brewing a Dark Mild with a touch of vanilla (it is number two on my to do list). I have some vanilla bean paste I was thinking of using. I want it to be subtle but I still want to be able to taste it.

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Thanks for the quick reply & link AdamH. No I hadn't forgotten about this brew of yours. It always looked good on paper (so to speak) to me. [joyful]


The fact that you said it has turned out so well, has just reinforced my want to brew it. I'm glad it turned out so well. [cool]


I'll definitely get something happening with it & put it down over the next fortnight or so with some wood chips, honey & a vanilla pod added into the mix. I think I'll leave the bourbon additive out of it this time around until I've tasted it. I also need to research a little deeper, & learn a bit more about correct usage of a high sugar additive as a secondary addition after primary ferment has completed.


Also..... there is not a chance in hell that I'll be using that damn S-04 yeast! [pinched] [lol]


I'll substitute that out quick smart with some Danstar Nottingham Ale yeast. [happy]


Thanks again Adam!



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  • 1 year later...

Hey King (and others),


Did you do anything? How did it go? Have been having this same conversation with myself today.


Thinking the standard Coopers best extra stout plus :

* 200g chocolate malt

* 2 tbls vanilla essence

* 1/2 cup of golden syrup.


Only brewing six months and still finding my way.


Any thoughts appreciated.


Kindest, Purdij



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Nice work Anthony.


Couple of weeks ago I bottled a batch of Julebryg which had a vanilla bean, star anise, cinnamon and coriander seeds. Have to say, based on the final samples from the FV I'd go harder next time.


I've put half of it in PET and half in swingtops, to give to those people who unexpectedly bring you a box of Favourites for Christmas.


Today I'm bottling up the Robochoc which, just quietly, THE best tasting brew out of the FV I've done so far. In hindsight, it could have done with a dose of vanilla. Maybe.





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Today I'm bottling up the Robochoc which' date=' just quietly, THE best tasting brew out of the FV I've done so far. In hindsight, it could have done with a dose of vanilla. Maybe.[/quote']

My Oaked Vanilla Porter is loosely based on PB2's Robochoc porter. Same kit, & similar additives. The vanilla works very well with it. cool


Accepting that everyone's tastes are different, with the vanilla I'd err on the side of caution with how much you use. Even in a dark beer such as this porter, just one vanilla bean leaves a noticeable influence through the beer. Not dominant, but subtle. I personally like it at that level, as adding more could potentially ruin the lovely complexity of flavours & turn it into a dominant vanilla flavoured beer. sick


Start small & if you want a little more influence, step it up the next time you brew it. wink





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