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Flat Beer


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Hi all i've been missing in action the last 10 months. Ran out of room to store the brews. Gave up smoking and put on 10 kg, so went off the grog. Have not lost an oz. so decided to have a few of those wonderful brews that were now between 1 an 2 years old. guess what, all flat. When i say flat there is no head whatsoever, but some bubbles.

What to do? Should I re sugar?

Anybody know why beer that at 6 months had a good head but at 18months no head.

Is muddy about? Maybe he may know as he has helped me out of some scrapes before.

Maybe it is leaking bottles??


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PETs aren't the best for long term storage if that is what you used.


As an experiment, add some sugar to a bottle, tighten the cap, give it a shake to disturb the sediment and keep it warm for a week or two. See if that works.


Edit: Muddy is in Thailand at present and only logs in sporadically.


Welcome back Warren!

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Thanks boys.

Hairy, will try that, i have to be careful what i write because I keep getting sent to Sibera.

Maybe Paul wont see this one!!!


Muddies pet weggl

It is only the poetry that gets banshed. I don't think PB2 has the soul of a poet like you do.

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A welcome return Weggl, You have been missed


Dont worry about the extra weight man, I think Ive added a similar girth since you have been on hiatus.


Bummer about the flat beers mate, most of my aged ones went the other way [crying]


Worst comes to worst you could do a starte and re-intoduce some yeast / sugar and carb them again.. doesnt help you today though..


I dont spose you have any carbonator caps and gas? That would at least get you a coldie today..??


Anywhooo, welcome back


He's back and he's bad

They are flat and he's Mad [lol]



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It's good to see you back with us Weggl![biggrin]




You've started a topic in the appropriate room - onya!![lol]


If the beer tastes okay, apart from being flat, you could try blending 50:50 with a fizzy brew (commercial or your own). [wink]

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Thanks boys.

Hairy, will try that, i have to be careful what i write because I keep getting sent to Sibera.

Maybe Paul wont see this one!!!


Muddies pet weggl


Welcome back Weggl [happy]


This is amazing

I had a dream about you (Weggl) the other night [pinched].

I went to visit and find out for all the boys (& gals) what had happened. In the dream you said you had given up drinking, but you were of normal weight and still fitted into your budgie smugglers [lol] .


I for one am looking forward to a new poem, I am sure after you read through some of the posts that you've missed you will find plenty of original material [biggrin] .



Don't think I can help with the flat beer issue, I have the opposite problem with my Bushy Park Blondes, both over 42 weeks bottled and pour 2/3 beer 1/3 head. At 4 months they were pouring spot on.

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Welcome back, Weggl.


I think I read on here that if you are contemplating storing brews longer than 12 months you should use glass bottles.


Someone had the idea that the PET bottles leached gas over time.


I might have this wrong, so if anyone can refute this, happy to hear from them.

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A note


Thanks for the welcome boys, nice to know that you are missed

Though I\u2019ve been off the beer can\u2019t say I ain\u2019t been pissed.


This topic, Paul, now it is in the appropriate room

And Hairy I may well get to write a new poem and very soon


But as you see I\u2019ve learnt my lesson things in their rightful place

If I were sent again to Siberia, would be a shame to show my face.


Now the question of these bottles and the answer from PB2

I\u2019m wondering, he as a technical man, does he rely have a clue


I thought he would have the answer the only advice he could lend

Was mix it with some fizzy stuff make your own sweet blend


Thanks Adam for the soda stream kind of you to lend

Have you been conversing with PB about this fizzy blend?


And Yob I\u2019m rather FAT and I\u2019m mad, about 500 bottles on the shelf

Don\u2019t know if I have the courage to sample the lot myself?


Phil thought we have not spoken you seem a reasonable bloke

If your anything like Paul, then you can take a joke


Scottie\u2019s having dreams about Weggl , Muddies pet

Budgie Smugglers! Hope they were not wet


Captain Yobbo gave advice that I sure will not refuse

The only problem is it left me quite confused


Greg he recommends that I use Bottles made of glass

To collect 500 would be a pain in the you know were


And so I thank you all for you support and good cheer

Maybe I\u2019ll go back into production making Coopers Beer


Paul you cant move this, this little thankful note

You see it\u2019s not a poem, just the way I wrote


Would I be ostracized if the grammar ain\u2019t up to scratch?

Or if the topic and my spellin did not seem to match


I know Paul you are a kind, gentle and thoughtful chap

So please make allowance for my writing handicap.


Weggl Muddies Pet [innocent]









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