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Bulk priming mistake


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On 4/12/2022 at 7:24 PM, DavidM said:

Yeah, I'm not sure you will be getting a sugar cube into a longneck

but I'm sure someone had tried and will fill us in. 🤔

Truly spoken @DavidM DM mate - got a cobber who just asked for some quick assistance on a desperate bottling mission - and I quoted him the famous @MUZZY "Muzzy Method" and also got help from @Classic Brewing Co Phil...

As he had no white sugar clean available and is using Coopers LNs is breaking up the sugar cubes and slotting them in as best as possible : )

We sort of landed on 1.5 cubes per bottle so hopefully all shall come to pass and Beer will be in the making 👍

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13 hours ago, Mickep said:

I knew I was in trouble Muz, when I willfully chose the forced carb option on my first kegging attempt and was drinking the contents only after 2 days. 

I do believe @Mickep that a Force-Carb will get you out of trouble... but I reckon that if you have a bit more time even in the keg that the brew does improve.... 

Each different brew style may have different requirements of course and I have a rather ancient Stout keggler which is amazingly good (only survived cos I ran out of Nitro and took ages to organise meself to get some more and also had a health break) but even just the average brew I think does go better with a week or two in the keggler.... 

And then there is the counter argument for the Hop Aroma Monster which is better drunk earlier 😋  ...but I do reckon even the Hopfest Beer is better after a cuppla weeks for the flavours to settle down...  but then leave it a bit too long and the wicked Hop Fade kicks in and sadly it is a thing there is no doubt. 

Anyway - many ways to the top of the Mountain on the BBJ hey ; )

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