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Family and friends who don't return our precious bottles. Sigh.


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At the end of another Xmas/summer period with much eating, drinking and merrymaking.


And again I have a number of bottles missing. The subtle sound of the brewer's heart breaking...


Those that like to sample, those that have a favourite, and those who just wanted a traveller. Don't you know how much effort goes into each lovingly crafted beer? From the cleaning processes to the agonising over recipes to the steeping to the bottling. We need each and everyone of our precious vessels. Whether they be PETs or glass, long neck or stubby, crown seal or swing top, or any other. Bring them home.


I'll put it in language that the unitiated and unappreciative non-brewer can understand: if you bring it back, we can fill it back up again for you.


I know the culprits won't be on this forum to read my heartfelt plea. But I post nonetheless. Perhaps a burden shared is a burden halved.

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I have had that experience.


I also hate it when they return the bottles dirty with dried yeast sediment in the bottom. They get a second chance from me and if they do it a second time they are banned devil



I give two chances, not a third.

I also usually don't give any more bottles out to anyone that's still got a bottle; either they haven't drunk it yet, which means they don't appreciate it, they've thrown it out, or they don't care enough to return their empties.


That said, I'd rather get a dirty bottle back than no bottle, it's a bit of a PITA to clean it if it's been sitting around with yeast in it, but you can't clean a bottle you don't have.


If someone doesn't respect you enough to return borrowed property - even if it's an empty bottle - in good condition in a timely manner, they don't deserve to borrow your bottles or drink your brew.

Simple as that.

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Luckily I've had all bottles that I've given out returned. All of the bottles I have are either

proper crown tops or filp tops


However over the last few weeks one of the blokes in work has been bringing me a few bottles.

Just odds and ends. I'm going to use a few of those for each brew as give aways. If they don't come back it's no bigger.

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I used to take bottles to parties and BBQ's etc. and so it was really up to me whether I took them all home with me again the next day. I'd usually take them but sometimes I just couldn't be arsed. If I gave away the odd one or two stubbies to someone to try I didn't really care whether I got it back or not.


Then I moved to kegging and gave away about 200 empty stubbies (kept approx. 100 for bottling the surplus of batches after kegging it).

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And again I have a number of bottles missing. The subtle sound of the brewer's heart breaking...




I know the culprits won't be on this forum to read my heartfelt plea. But I post nonetheless. Perhaps a burden shared is a burden halved.


I cry everytime

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It's a viable solution to the problem of missing empty bottles tongue


I guess it never really bothered me too much, it wasn't much trouble going and buying another 6 pack of SNPA or whatever to get more bottles if any went missing. I probably threw more in the bin that appeared weaker than lost to people not giving them back to me.

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