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Talk about being furious!!!


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I thought I would sign the petition for sturdier boxes.


Photo below of the dinted cans I received about the same time as Bill a few weeks ago.



These arrived in a Pale Ale factory box in a similar state of disrepair to the photo which was posted earlier by Bill.


It all comes down to the boxes they are shipped in.


When I saw the state of the box and the cans I was considering chasing it all up.[devil] The state of that box made the damage to the cans look ten times worse.

A couple of days later I cooled off and realised that the cans should still be good to use. [happy]


5 days latter I received the remainder of my order [happy] with the cans relatively undamaged as they were packed in a sturdier box with the inclusion of paper as packing material!


In addition, the shop mixed up my order a little as I received a box of dextrose in place of LDM. Monetary value of the mixed up items was so small it was not worth worrying about, but this is not the point.


First impressions count, and as a quality brand Coopers should ensure that their product gets to the customer in a reasonable state.


That's my rant for the month.... Hope we are in the minority and everyone else is happy with the online shop.

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I was thinking that from the area of damage,that maybe they're pretty loose as fork lift operators at the postal hub. We used to be pretty strict with that at the Ford plants I worked at.

And speaking of quality,after my brewing my own recipe with a Cooper's can,& my wife brewing a Brewer's Best kit,I have to say Cooper's quality is better.

And to think that BB kit had steeping grains. She nailed her temps & everything. That bloody kit was over $52USD! So much for Brewer's best. Even my wife made mention of her dismay with that kit.

Sounds like she's second guessing the kit bit.Quality vs price,you know. I feel I must redeem myself,& set her up with a good ol' Cooper's based recipe.

So Quality delivered isn't always visible right away...[bandit] [pinched] [crying]

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I had orderd 4 cans. IPA, Sparkling, light malt extract and Irish stout 3 out of the 4 had heavy denting in them, id say even more then pics posted, Only the Irish stout had no denting, I do not think coopers sent them to us dented, but a combination of packaging and handaling by the posty could have played a part.? When you are reciving free shipping like i did in the coopers pro mo i guess you can not ask for the best packaging, you just hope the posty handls them well. None where leaking so i guess its all good! :)

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I am sure when placing the order it stated to expect about 28 days for delivery. Any orders recieved before then is just lucky. If after this time you haven't received your order then personally I would be ringing and not relying on emails.


All 6 cans in a box won't dent if they fell off a truck or fork lift. I find that very hard to believe. I except fair damage but these have clearly been mistreated.


It states up to 21 days for homebrew products on the email invoice, (not hard to check, rather than guessing - but then you are sure right??). This includes international orders! Being in Australia I assumed this may not apply and was getting worried that I would be on for yet another bun fight with my post office. I also stated above that a later order had arrived 2 weeks earlier, therefore I found it illogical that the earlier order had not arrived. You read this part of my post didn't you??


It also states 21 days based on SOH which I have to presume means 'stock on hand'. May be good form for Coopers to inform me if there was a stock problem - obviously there was, and obviously they didn't! But they made the 21 days so they win, but don't forget this was 5 weeks in real terms.


I expect companies to answer e-mails - it's the 21st century, and frankly if people quit the inneficiency of phoning them, maybe they would have time to answer the emails. Nothing is actualy more reliable than email, that's why I am reading mine from 5 weeks ago to get my facts straight!


If the cans won't dent after falling off a truck or forklift, what exactly are you saying happened to them? Are you seriously suggesting that post office workers walk around with hammers during their lunch breaks?


I appreciate comments that are logical, respectful and thoughtful, otherwise I have to make long winded replies like this



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If anybody else has pics of product delivered in poor condition, please post them on this thread. The general store will use the feedback (whether it be good or bad) to make improvements in the process.


Muddy, I've been monitoring the thread on AHB and was surprised to read The Giant's comment about 4 of the cans having a use by of Jul'11. This sounds a bit odd?!


Perhaps they are malt extract cans - these cans carry a Julian date code for the day of packaging. So they may be carrying a 5 digit code ending in 711 and this has been interpretted as July 2011...if The Giant received beer kits with such a short life, we would replace them.

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Hi Guys


I don't mean to rub it in but I had a pretty positive experience with the whole process.


My order arrived within 2 weeks, my can of Sparkling Ale had a small dent but all my cans of liquid malt were fine.


The dent wasn't that bad and it was no worse then 90% of the cans on sale at Big W.


Anyway, I just thought some positive feedback might encourage further 'free postage' promotions[innocent]

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I was surprised by the claim as I have always received my ingredients from Coopers at the height of freshness. I think he may be mistaken - either way he still seemed happy enough [cool]


I for one am still peeved that I missed out on the promotion due to a lack of funds. I wonder If Ross in the NT took advantage? Previously the postage proved prohibitive for him.

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I haven't heard or seen Ross around the forums for a while. It would of made him happy, he would have stocked up a fair bit.


Maybe next time Coopers do something similar we should drop him an email.

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Just wanted to add...


I was more then happy with the free shipping promotion Coopers had put on! A few dents in my cans was not a big deal. Im happy none where leaking! I do not think they left the Coopers store dented and/or dented as badly as when we recived them.

Id be more then happy to take up this free shipping offer again if Coopers was to ever do it, and id tell all my friends about it again!

Thank you Paul and the team at Coopers!


xxx [biggrin]

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It states up to 21 days for homebrew products on the email invoice, (not hard to check, rather than guessing - but then you are sure right??). This includes international orders! Being in Australia I assumed this may not apply and was getting worried that I would be on for yet another bun fight with my post office. I also stated above that a later order had arrived 2 weeks earlier, therefore I found it illogical that the earlier order had not arrived. You read this part of my post didn't you??


It also states 21 days based on SOH which I have to presume means 'stock on hand'. May be good form for Coopers to inform me if there was a stock problem - obviously there was, and obviously they didn't! But they made the 21 days so they win, but don't forget this was 5 weeks in real terms.


I expect companies to answer e-mails - it's the 21st century, and frankly if people quit the inneficiency of phoning them, maybe they would have time to answer the emails. Nothing is actualy more reliable than email, that's why I am reading mine from 5 weeks ago to get my facts straight!


If the cans won't dent after falling off a truck or forklift, what exactly are you saying happened to them? Are you seriously suggesting that post office workers walk around with hammers during their lunch breaks?


I appreciate comments that are logical, respectful and thoughtful, otherwise I have to make long winded replies like this



WHOA!!!.... phew you must be a very angry person. All I did was state a few posibilities here mate. I am not the enemy!


As i said, i was sure that it was 28 days I didn't say it was 28 days. From reading that it is obvious I was only relying on my memory from when I ordered my lot and yes I read your post so no need to be sarcastic questioning me about if I had read bits of your message or not.


You state, "Nothing is actualy more reliable than email" whereas I believe you are wrong. There are so many factors that can fail when sending an email. Heck, it may not even ever be read!... at least by phoning you are talking to someone and can converse at a proper level and get a response straight away instead of hoping someone may reply one day. Emails have no emotion and as a matter of fact a lot of people have arguements due to the fact that text can be read wrong. At least on the phone you you have direct contact and can deal with any further questions that may rise. If that doesn't rock your boat you can always follow up with an email that refers to the conversation for confirmation.


You also state, "Are you seriously suggesting that post office workers walk around with hammers during their lunch breaks?"

At no time did I suggest this and I know for a fact what some areas get up to due to relatives working in that industry. I didn't say the cans won't dent falling off a truck, I said not every can would be in that condition I recieveed them. Don't go putting words in my mouth thanks.


I appreciate comments that are logical, respectful and thoughtful, otherwise I have to make long winded replies like this

Nobody forced you to make a pointless long winded reply like this. You did it by yourself for an avenue to vent your frustrations, no doubt. Maybe you should practice what you have said. Now I put your words back to you....i.e. "I appreciate comments that are logical, respectful and thoughtful, otherwise I have to make long winded replies like this".


Don't start ramping your crap at me Dave when all I did was pass an opinion of which I am fully entitled too. As I said, I am not the enemy here.

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[lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol][lol] [lol] [lol][lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol][lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol]


Finest regards


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Bill, if you can open them whats all the fuss about, dents dont bruise the malt?


On the question of short weight malt, I weighed a new packet of malt came up 523g. The packet witout the box would only weigh a g or so. So I got more than I paid for.





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Bill, if you can open them whats all the fuss about, dents dont bruise the malt?


On the question of short weight malt, I weighed a new packet of malt came up 523g. The packet witout the box would only weigh a g or so. So I got more than I paid for.




I said my piece earlier and was not making any more fuss about my issue. My rant was due to the fact that LazyDave clearly decided to make me a target of his frustrations.

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All is well in Coopers land, PB2 chased things up without any prompting, went beyond the call of duty on looking after me, and did such a good job that Coopers are making it up to me in loverly gift style ways [happy]


A complete comedy of errors I reckon, and I never was complaining, I was just worried.


Coopers didn't need to restore my faith in them - but they insisted on doing so - yay for family businesses - good old fashioned love [love]

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