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  1. While my husband and I enjoyed a few days away in Tamworth we discovered the Welder's Dog. The beer is brewed in Armidale, with bars in Armidale, Tamworth and Inverell. The Tamworth Welder's Dog was a lovely place to relax and enjoy very good beer. The photos show the remains of a tasting paddle, a list of the beers currently on tap, a chalk drawing celebrating our canine friends, and one of the yummiest beers I have ever tasted: The Welder's Dog Darkwood IPA - So malty and hoppy and lip-smacking good!
  2. About 6-9 months ago Temu ads started appearing on many of the sites I look at regularly on my laptop, eg Weatherzone. Many of the items and photos were offensive to me; nearly pornographic. I turned them off each time and made feedback complaints. I can't even work out what lots of the items pictured actually are! But I haven't clicked to have a look - not once!
  3. Yes, I should have explained a bit further @Uhtred Of Beddanburg, I make extract brews and my brews often look like this within 5-10 hours of mixing - interesting to see it in a different type of brew like @Aussiekraut's.
  4. Hi @Aussiekraut, I'm wondering why your Bonzo Pils is so 'speckly'?
  5. Awesome lifting device @DavidM, and good to see an update on your work space. I love the benches on wheels and the storage.
  6. A very interesting range of products on offer from that NZ company!
  7. From the BBC: A story about beer made from bread crusts, aiming to reduce food waste. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Ffuture%2Farticle%2F20240412-the-ancient-sustainable-beer-recipe-made-using-bread%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3JlVvcRyUTjB0i-eg8tFOg45oh12NR1DE_oKC-XN-_PYEwDhCha_B6UnY_aem_AdYk2uZ0bvYQkoWRKWnG6hoCIKuquHXcNOx7ydurgMoiBpVkScKpJRBgINitfZer4-P5LAQkfO1AW07apivP5r9w&h=AT0IzCgUu5Y0SQVDRstac0y516nYzZbx0H9HKJ9rtf43dTMOx8c3MWR4HQTmAYSSAxlDInoY_LMAefcBC8icZhLu4ghKCqlGGjPl6rEFXDOCprj6cleg8Es0J0opr-4W9i9I&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT1tRzBtdxJrZ4cgM_eRuIBHXD1zOo_dEBjVyIDFDTnELnK8lOT9LR3wk8Co_CcfOumeimgjjAp2hkYmTyxc9OwPDjn21s3zaAp2msmyhyB4-gZtvdzj79P_Vb5ypNcV27G5V_Hwh9bbA_KX7Fe4YB-VQEBS3_vpOis_ekiWn2hj--vRDSb3_qBGea25ud7pD8W1Ivqy0J7VzH2dzScNwX1JK2kLkq9APvfwQ9009MzS5okSvdZY
  8. Thanks @Graculus, but that is not neat writing! In Primary School I was one of the last years taught to write in 'modified cursive' running writing, and that sample would have failed.
  9. After bottling my latest batch of Coopers Aust. Pale Ale this morning; I was in a bit of a trance writing out the labels and realized I had re-named one as Anzac Day Pale Ale! I thought I liked that and that's what half the bottles are now labelled.
  10. Love the gold rim and the decoration on the stem of the glass.
  11. @iBooz2, You are raising the bar very high! I will have to try mixing my brew without touching the sides of the FV, but the cat is already out of the bag.
  12. @Aussiekraut We don't have a 1st Choice in Dubbo; but I googled Dan Murphy's and BWS and both seem to stock Boon or Timmerman's Kriek Lambic in cases of 24. Whether I can buy one singly I will have to find out. My taste buds want to experience the sweet and sour cherry flavour!
  13. That looks very pretty @iBooz2, with the BBQ sauce drizzled in like that. I must stop checking 'What's on the menu' before breakfast!
  14. I'm running out of my home brew - We'll have to up the production! For a supplementary beer I bought a cheepish six pack of Four Pines New World Pale Ale from BWS. On the box it says 'melon, citrus, crisp'. I'll agree with that; almost a touch piney as well. It is also quite hazy. It has a light clear mouthfeel and flavour and 4.2% ABV. Quite nice.
  15. It's pink! What does the Lambic Kriek taste like please @stquinto?
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