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Canadian Blonde (beer)


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I am getting ready to make my third batch.

Canadian Blonde.

My plan is to use one


1 can Canadian Blonde

1 Can Amber LME


Should I add any dextrose?

I think it is an Ale so around 24c for fermenting


Lastly how long in the bottle?


thanks in advance for the help

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I wouldn't use a kilo of dextrose, it would cause the beer to lack in body and probably wouldn't taste all that great either. If you want to keep the color pale, I'd go for the Light LME tin, or you could use a kilo of LDM + 200-300g Dex, or 1.2-1.3kg LDM. Otherwise the amber LME is fine if you want the color a bit darker. It will be sweeter though. You could even use the light malt and steep 250-300g of medium crystal to get the color. It's up to you though. And as the other guys have said try to ferment between 16-18\xb0C. In the bottles keep it around 18 for 2 weeks to carb; you could drink it then but it will benefit from more time conditioning in the bottle.




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Otherwise the amber LME is fine if you want the color a bit darker. It will be sweeter though.


I agree with Kelsey. I won't be using the amber LME again, as it comes out way too sweet. If you're after a nice pale quaffing beer, stick to the pale DME and 200g Dex.



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Hey M,


Have made this recipe twice now.

First attempt was my 2nd brew. Kept it simple with Can of CB + 500g LME, 250g Dextrose and 250g Maltodex (its a mix from the LHBS).. Ended up 4.5%ABV, was very nice.

3 weeks ago batched another one, this time Can of Canadian Blonde + Same malt/dex mix as above, + 200g Honey and 12g of Cascade (10min).. Will be bottling this in the coming days and really looking forward to it.

The DME sounds very interesting... Something to do with the next can?? I bought 2 cans for a toucan but thought i could just make 2 batches :)


Let me know how your's turns out!!

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Wayne, the LME in your LHBS blend, is that liquid or dry malt?


Those type of blends/enhancers are usually dry (ie. DME or LDM).


LME refers to liquid malt extract.


If it is dry then you are already using DME in your brews.


There are too many acronyms in home brewing [pinched]

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LOL - I H8 acronyms and refuse to use them [innocent]


Mostly I am OK with them but I think people use the TLA too often, it does make it hard to follow the conversation, IMO.

It is even tougher on us Yanks. I still can't figure out some of the words let alone acronyms. Woolies quaffing....







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Fair suck of the ol Sav, She'll be right Mainiac, I'd hate to give ya the bum steer cause that'd be a bummer, but Woolies is a store that sells amber nectar extracts, though if ya haven't got a brass razoo for them you're in strife. Well i'm not up for ear bashin you so have a ripper of a day and enjoy the home made piss, I think it's BONZA! [lol]

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