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Hibiscuis Wit or Wheat Beer


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Hi all. I used to live in Jamaica and enjoyed their traditional drink called "Sorrel" at Christmas, which tastes a bit like cranberry juice. I just discovered that Sorrel is also called Jamaican Hibiscus and is found in Celestial Seasonings Red Zinger herbal tea. I have been reading about adding it to apple cider, hard or "soft," and it struck me that it might also taste good in an Amercian Wheat Beer in the summer. I started to dig around for recipes and came across this from the Mad Fermentationist:




He speaks very highly of putting Hibiscuis in a wit. Anyway, I know that in Australia you are being hit with some high temperatures and thought I would pass this in info on.


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Hi Christina.


It should work very well.


Hopefully Ben10 spots this thread & chimes in here as he has already produced a fantastic Saison beer using Wild Rosella flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa). A beer I hope he continues to develop. cool


I reckon he's got a really good read on these types of beers & should be able to give you some great info.





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Was down at Bacchus Brewing on the weekend and tried their Hibiscus Wheat Saison ("Hibis-Kiss") -- was wonderfully tart/hoppy/flowery while remaining incredibly well-balanced.


I doubt Ross would be inclined to give away the actual recipe, but he would most likely give a few hints if anyone was keen to make a similar beer themselves.

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Thanks guys. I did not know that Sam Adams and Bacchus had beers with hibiscus. I couldn't get Celestial Seasonings Red Zinger locally for some reason, but I got something similar from Germany. I have tried it as tea and it is tasty, but tart and needs sugar. I am going to try it in something, whether beer or cider I am not sure yet.


Neat that you can grow it Ben. If I remember correctly the other name for hibiscus flowers in Jamaica was "shoe black," because they can apparently be used to blacken your shoes.

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