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Migraine nightmare.


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Hi all,

Long story shortish, I was hopsitalised for 2 days over the break with something I've never had before - Migraine. It lead to a lot of head pain and something called 'Aura', which gives you the symptoms of a stroke, complete with confusion, numb left hand side, psychedelic vision, not being able to speak properly and not being able to write. But the worse part of it, It is triggered by beer! I've tried Becks, Guinness, my homebrew, Taxi Pilsner (rubbish IMHO btw) and Jever Pilsner. Which all triggered the above to some extent. Has anyone else had this problem? or know of potential beers to try that seem ok?... apparently Tyramine in beer is the main culprit.


As you can imagine I'm quite devastated about this. I'm in the process of booking in with a Neurodoctor to try and get this sorted.


cheers all and happy new year to you all.



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By the way, all of the 5 occasions that I suffered the migraine were caused by between only 200mL of one beer (one night as a test) and 1 can of Guinness plus 2/3 can Becks. (Which started the whole thing).

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That's a shame mate sad


From the little I have read about it, it doesn't look promising for big nights on the beers. But don't rely on any of us for medical advice; wait until you see your doctor.


Make sure you look after yourself though, health comes first.

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Hi Jay


Firstly let me say that while I can't help myself making jest in my posting, I do feel for you and don't want you to think I'm making fun of your medical problems. I'm afraid that's just me. So now I can get onto the proper post.


If you are anything like me (though considerably less attractive), you will have already googled as much info as you can; eg. I just looked it up using these search terms. My eldest heir has allergy probs (which fortunately only lead to asthma and dermatological worries which are nowhere nearly as acute as migraines) and they are a big enough of a pita. He has problems with grass seeds (which Brunhilda claims excuses him from mowing the lawn), studying for exams, and doing any helpful things around the house. The youngest one thought this was a good wicket, so he claims anaphylaxis on anything that stops him playing video games including homework.


All I'd really like to suggest is to do as much research as you can prior to your specialist appointment, so you know the right questions to ask to get things clarified.


Take care, mate. Phil.

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Hi Jay.


I'm sorry to hear about your current health related issue. sad


I agree with Hairy's sentiments that it is a medically related condition, & is best discussed with your doctor on how to deal with it.


That said, in my time researching various aspects of brewing beer, I have read quite a few articles by a 'consultant' of sorts on the BYO beer website/magazine where brewers write in & ask him some very technical questions about all aspects of brewing. He is known as "Mr. Wizard".


He is quite a scholar, & I have learned to trust the information conveyed in his posts without question.


From a brewing aspect of what is going on, I feel you'll learn quite a bit about Tyramine in beer & perhaps how to minimize its negative appearance in your home brewed beer once equipped with the knowledge in Mr. Wizard's retort here...


BYO Magazine - Mr. Wizard: Trouble with Tyramine


At a bare minimum, it should give you some educated info you can discuss with your doctor.


I wish you well trying to get on top of it, & being able to keep brewing.


I hope you find the information useful.



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Thanks all, I appreciate your concern, tips and humour.

I do read a bit of Mr Wizard, he does seem quite an erm Wizard with regards to brewing.

I might be just hanging up the Hydrometer for a wee while.

I'll be back don't worry. I'm not gonna let this stop my lifelong love.


Cheers all j




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