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dam inkbird 308 wifi controller


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i tell you what these inkbirds arging me the heeby jeebees of late

i am in the middle of cold crashing my beer 

i have it set to 2°c

Heating hysteresis temp  set to 0.3°c
cooling back temp temp set to 0.3°c
high temp value set to 4.0°c
Low temp value set to 0.0°c
refrigeration delay set to 4min

every time i gets to 2°c  it gives me an alarm  and it shouldnt give that alarm until 0.0°c

someone should blow these things up lol

i just cant see what i have done wrong

not that it worries me now as i am getting ready to keg this brew today   but its just driving me mad
getting up pressing the alarm   and finding it happen at 2°c

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13 minutes ago, Otto Von Blotto said:

Why not just turn the alarm off? I've got mine set to 100 and -40. The beer temperature never goes anywhere it shouldn't anyway. 

that wont explain the temp alarm   when you have it set @2°c  and thats when the alarm has been going off

having it set @100°c and -40°c   or at  4°c or 0.0°c    and the alarm goes of a 2°c

i do understand you saying  turn it  by setting such high values either end to what you set


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2 hours ago, Red devil 44 said:

I’ve got 2 x wifi inkbirds, work like a charm whilst away with fifo work.

I do the same as @Otto Von Blottowith the settings. 

i have no quarrels with the inkbird till now  

if you have the temp set at 2°c  what ever you set at the high temp and low temp   that could be your 100°c and -40°c   or like i had it set to 4°c and 0.0°c

and it the hysteresis temp for high and cold at 0.3°c.  and when the temp hits either 2.3°c  it will kick the cooling cycle back on and when it gets to the low end it should kick the heat in which would have been 1.7°c  

so why would the temp alarm go on @ 2.0°c   this what i am not understanding.

i totally get ovb and yourself @Red devil 44  as the 100°c and the -40° are set at defualt for the high and low  what these temps are as long as they are not  with in 
the hysteresis temps are othise the temp alarm will come on.

i also have 2 inkbirds that are wifi   and up until this brew  the inkbirds birds have worked  and i  will Admit this may be user error on this occasion but couldnt see what i have done wrong
i'll have to wait now until i use them again 

and just switched the inkbird back on went through the settings 

what i thought i set the inkbird to for low temp  to 0.0°c   it was set at 2.0°c what i wanted to  cold crash at 
so when it reached 2.0°c it was setting low temp off  

not manufacturing fault  user/operator fualt for not paying attention  

dam ozdevil stuffed up the inkbird this topic should be called now



28 minutes ago, Spursman said:

Hate to alarm you (excuse the pun) but it's likely your Wifi has been hacked by a fundamentalist teetotaller organisation known as The Whining Ones.

yes  i caught the teatottaller down the street   and invited the whining ones over for a beer

Edited by ozdevil
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Hi @ozdevil

I set my temperature differential to 1.0C, so if my temp rises by 1 degree the refrigeration kicks in.

‘I don’t use my heating most months in Qld for obvious reasons.

If I do it’s 1 degree also, so 1 degree either way.

‘Usually I set my refrigeration delay to 2mins. 
That’s the way I set it up on my old Inkbirds & the same with the new wifi ones. 
No worries so far with temps or Cold Crashing 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

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4 minutes ago, Red devil 44 said:

Hi @ozdevil

I set my temperature differential to 1.0C, so if my temp rises by 1 degree the refrigeration kicks in.

‘I don’t use my heating most months in Qld for obvious reasons.

If I do it’s 1 degree also, so 1 degree either way.

‘Usually I set my refrigeration delay to 2mins. 
That’s the way I set it up on my old Inkbirds & the same with the new wifi ones. 
No worries so far with temps or Cold Crashing 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

@Red devil 44 yes i probably could set that to 1°c either side of the actually temp  to allow the fridge to kick in  

I have never had a problem until now and as i said my last posts My dumb fault

however though it only did it today  and i just kegged that brew

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51 minutes ago, Otto Von Blotto said:

Sometimes I notice when I change a setting it doesn't actually save it properly and I have to go back and re do it. Maybe that's what happened?

very possible  ovb  , i still put it to my error for not making certain.


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