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what will this be like


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1 can coopers draught

300gm dark malt dry

250gm of dry malt additive

150 gm crystal malt grain

25 gm of fuggles hop pellets



any help with what this will make or a recipe to look at

just wanting to clean up the odds and ends in kitchen

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Looks like it will be crap.... when it's finished you'd be better off sending it to me and I will get rid of it for you [whistling


bill do you want me to brew it or just send ingredients

i could share some with you when i make it if your ever up this way

that said how how long would you seep the grain and boil the hops for , ialso thought i might make up weight with some brown sugar if you think it would need it

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I'm not sure what dry malt additive is but other than tha ****sounds great! I would definitly use a english ale yeast as Hairy suggested.


I really like the OS Draught kit for it versitality. This kit and the Real ale are the best kits for a base for Kits&Bits type recipes.


I always liked the Draught and the Aussie Pale Ale but yes, the Real Ale is a good drop too [joyful]


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