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Please Post your Best Dark Ales Here


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  • 2 months later...

This is a fairly recent brew of mine but it is already one of my favourites. It is even good to drink when young.


1.5kg Coopers Dark Liquid Malt

1.5kg Coopers Wheat Liquid Malt

200g Dextrose

200g Victory Malt

200g Medium Crystal Malt

100g Pale Chocolate Malt


25g Target Hops (10%AA) @ 40 min

20g Cascade Hops (5%AA) @ 10 min

US-05 yeast

23 litres


I don't know what style it is (dark wheat ale??) but I know it is tasty [love]

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To the Clown of Newtown,

What do ya reckon if I use Irish Stout instead? just because iI have one.

And after you roast the Oats do you just chuck e'm in?


Your brew is now 3 months old, how did it come up?



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  • 1 month later...

I have this one going down tomorrow. Not sure how it will turn out, except being a big beer!


Going for an extra style Stout here:


Black Hole

1x Can Coopers Irish Stout

1.5kg Liquid Caramalt

1.5kg Liquid Roasted Black Malt

500g Dry Wheat Malt

12g Goldings (AA 5%) @ 20min

12g Willamette (AA 4.3%) Dry Hopped

2x US-05 Yeast


OG 1071

FG 1020

Expecting around the 7% ABV here.


Unfortunately my impulsiveness lead me to purchase finishing hops from my LHBS (all they stock), but for future brews they'll be pellets or plugs all the way :)


If I remember, I'll post how it all turns out in a few months!

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Hmm, I was actually thinking of the other way around, as I was thinking that the stout can plus the roasted can might make it a bit bitter for my liking, and hoping that the caramalt might smooth it out a bit. Thoughts?


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Not sure if hijacking this thread is the right thing to do, but I just had a taste of the brew I posted up a few as I took an SG reading to see how we're tracking. It's down to 1040 from an OG of 1069 5 days ago. It's been sitting at 18C and there's still plenty of krausen (15cm ish) on top.


It smells pretty awesome, quite toffee like, not much roasted mocha which I was hoping for.


I took a taste and it's ridiculously sweet.


This is the first big beer I've made, so I'm not sure what to expect during this time. Will this mellow out? or will it just get sweeter?

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There are still unconverted sugars in it at 1040. A lot of the sweetness you are tasting will go by the time it has finished.


Just what I was hoping, and really what I wanted to hear! Thanks [biggrin]

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