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Please don't tell Weggl

Muddy Waters

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I just purchased a Coopers PLASTIC HYDROMETER for $3 at Big W [biggrin]


So can everyone please keep this to themselves. The fact that Weggl and I shop at the same Big W store will make it an even bigger blow for him [innocent]


The hydrometer was sitting on the shelf with the airlocks and stuff. I assume it came from one of the several DIY kits that were open but I chose to overlook this and take it up with staff who decided it was easier just to sell it to me for $3.


Due to one of the DIY boxes being totally split open I also got the chance to have a close look at the wonderful new fermentors - unfortunately it looks like it is too fat for my brewing fridge as well as too tall [crying] ...ggrrr


I should also not mention that I bought their remaining 4 boxes of LDM...that may be the hair that breaks weggls back

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You bugger Muddy,

I was there Wednesday, not one open fermenter box, did anybody see you tearing the box apart? If you were any sort of a mate you would have done a box for me. No I\u2019m not screaming I\u2019m actually crying.

Not only did he get a stray PLASTIC HYDROMETER, he bought all the boxes of PET bottles. Bugger *@@^& and poo.

3 bloody $, I just paid around $34 for a bloody GLASS HYDROMETER.



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Sorry mate. It wasn't me who tore the box apart (there are others already open now...perhaps the hydrometer has fallen out since my visit [innocent] ) but I did buy the last box of PET bottles and all the LDM.


$34 for a glass hydrometer!!!!! It must be a pretty bloddy good one.


Even Dave's has them for $15.50. If you are looking to buy some PET it might be best to buy a DIY kit. If you break down the cost it'd be good value even if you don't need another fermentor.


I reckon get a refund for your glass hydrometer and buy a DIY kit....you'll get a PLASTIC HYROMETER then.

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Just guessing on the price, bought a stack og stuf from Dave, figured it out while driving and guessed the hydrometer was $34 did not give me a receipt.

Went back to Big W, there is a sign hanging up. [pinched]


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[lol] That's pretty funny Muddy' date=' although it might give him idea. He may just run in their and start pulling the kits apart and buying the indiviudal bits for less.[/quote']


I need some plastic lids for the kits in my cupboard..........[bandit]


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Went to the Big W Fri. they actualy had 4 boxes of bottles! Just 4 no more.Saw Muddy's Coopers new fermenter that was open, gee you sure made a mess of the box. Was not sure if it was the same box or a new one that had been opened, so I had a closer look, guess what, no PLASTIC HYDROMETERS.[pinched]

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