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Photo change.....


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GavinE, I like what you say so I look to were you've been, but when my 5year old says, "what ya doin' dad"."I'm on Coopers' Littln', then she says "Who's that village idiot?"...well your not doing yourself any favours.

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There is no judgement from me just the 'Littln'. I don't really give a f..k but your other photo was beer related your new one isn't. Just letting you know,I cant even wear my Johnny Cash t shirt with the same finger gesture...bugger[crying]

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no offence taken at all mate! geez had that do for a few years, even if you were having a go it'd be water off a ducks back! I'm old and responsible now, that was many many years ago, well a few years ago, well ok last year. [lol]

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Anybody got some mind-bleach?[biggrin]

I think you've scarred me for life with that mental image.

Toiling away, swishing LDM around in the FV with dangly-bits swaying to the rhythm...[sick]

Damn it! the more i type, the clearer its getting.... time to stop and do something else


[biggrin] [biggrin] [biggrin] [biggrin] [biggrin]

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