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Made Full Nelson as per Muddy's recipe. I kept it above 18c for 2 weeks, the bottles are hard, it is now 3 weeks old but cloudy.

Was yours cloudy Muddy?[pinched] Maybe its some flour out of the Crystal grain?

See we now have spell check[crying]


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After reaching FG,did you give it a week to clean up & settle out more? That's a reason I see so many (even stateside)get cloudy beer. They're impatient to get to the drinking part to give the brew every chance to be great. Patience is #1 in brewing terminology.

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Dearest Leonard and Muddy, I am not a complete dickhead, yet! But I\u2019m working on it.

I gave them 10 days in my bottle incubator, at 21-22C. Now have been at room temp for 11 days, hard but cloudy.


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I gave them 10 days in my bottle incubator, at 21-22C. Now have been at room temp for 11 days, hard but cloudy.


Have you chilled one for at least 4 days in the fridge? maybe just yeast still in suspension?


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For my two cents I would recomend a cold crash next time for the protein particles to get shock and join together, they then become too heavy to stay suspended and sink to the bottom. Dont cold crash until fermentation is complete tho.

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I cracked one tonight, what a wonderful beer, taste that is. It was almost flat, head almost nothing with very few bubbles. I bulk primed this beer 184g sugar.

I stuck a teaspoon of sugar in one tonight, lost about 100ml and put it back into the incubator, will leave for a week and see if it gets a head. If that works I will put a sugar pill in every bottle. Don\u2019t care if it stays cloudy because it taste so great.




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Warren, in the end it is the taste that matters. If anyone asks about the cloudyness just tell them that is the style you intended.


Dearest Leonard and Muddy, I am not a complete dickhead, yet! But I\u2019m working on it.


That's the spirit, don't give up. It took me years to become a dickhead and it was worth the effort.

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Yea Hairy, thats what i'll do, if they dont clear. I reprimed them all yesterday with one sugar pill and have put them back in the incubator.


What has happened to the spell check that was working on this site 2 weeks ago?[pinched]

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