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Delivery costs.


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ESB Supplies, just did a check to see how much delivery for 6 cans of Coopers Pale Ale. Picked that just because they are all 1.7 Kg.

The delivery in Sydney is only $8.5 for the 6 cans. Sure beats getting them fro SA.



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[rightful] [rightful] [rightful]


Sure beats getting them from SA


[rightful] Not really as you will be paying extra $20.70 for the cans.


For you to order from Coopers to Manly Vale will cost you a total of $95.45 (incl. delivery) whereas to order from your new best friends ([innocent] ) will cost you $100.04 using the delivery cost you quoted.


The cans from Coopers will probably be fresher too.


This has been a community service announcement for the benefit of the Manly Vale brewing community [biggrin]


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Yea Muddy, I only used 6 cans to show the difference in delivery cost, but try and buy say, 2 cans of Coopers LME and some, say dark ME and maybe some yeast. All from "my new best friends", delivery $8. [biggrin]

Whereas from SA you need to buy 6 cans to make the maths work, I only have about $60/ week to spend on brews, so 6 cans at ones out of the question.[pinched]

One would not buy beer cans out of SA because their prices are about the same as Big W.The only thing they have diffrent to the Big are the malt extract and the range appart from OS.


This has "also" been a community service announcement for the benefit of the Manly Vale brewing community


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$60 a week to spend on brews! I'd kill to have a brewing budget like that [sideways]


The malt extract is even cheaper from Coopers but I guess if you also want yeast you are better of going elsewhere...you'll only pay a few dollars more which, with a $60 p/w budget, is neither here nore there [tongue]

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I can't help with specific questions regarding orders. The General Store is a separate business unit and you need to contact them [whistling


Their contact details are on the General Store site.

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I ordered over $150 worth of Kits malt extracts' date=' brew enhancers and caps. Clearly marked No Shipping and got a further discount of $17 for being a member of the order. Too good.[/quote']


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I don't like going to my LHBS very much. It's a bit pricey and it seems like customers coming into the store are an annoyance stopping the guy from doing non customer related tasks.[annoyed]


So a big thanks to Coopers for free shipping this week.[joyful]


It would be interesting to know how much others brewing budgets are. I spent an initial $300 on ferenting kit,cans,sugars,bottles etc. My monthly budget is $50 but I do get the odd can and sugar given to me by mates who drink with me.

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I could not help my self! I just went back and orderd a can of light malt extract and a can of Irish stout.


I made a topic on AHB letting the boys there know about the free shipping, Will also be letting the guys at work know tomorrow. The boys and girls at the coopers store will be run off there feet![lol]

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I just bought:

English Bitter Beer Kit (1.7kg)

\tThomas Coopers Traditional Draught Beer Kit (1.7kg)

\tThomas Coopers IPA Beer Kit (1.7kg)

\tThomas Coopers Irish Stout Beer Kit (1.7kg)

\tEuropean Lager Beer Kit (1.7kg)

\tThomas Coopers Selection Plisener Beer Kit (1.7kg)


The more you buy the more you save!

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If you plan to take advantage of this offer and stock up, store the Beer Kits and Malt Extract cans in a cool place (ideally less than 15C) to keep them in the best condition and whack the yeast sachets in the fridge [wink]

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