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Boiling the wort


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Just a quickie, I have 2 brewing friends that use Coopers, but they insist on boiling the wart before they add it to the FV for brewing.


I know this is not recommended.


So this is the 5th time I have come back with a headache from drinking their brews, and not because of drinking too much [annoyed]


Is there a link here?

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Maybe boilong the Coopers kit isn't their only questionable brewing technique which may account for the headaches [cool]


Boiling the wort will only destroy the flavour profile of the pre hopped can, some people do this on purpose and with a cunnimg plan but others just blindly follow the myth that you have to boil pre hopped kits before using them which is a complete furphy [pinched]

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Quite true I think Muddy.


Ingredients? Well that's the interesting part,


One of them has 'secret ingredients' and won't tell me what they are apart from the white sugar. We drink his beer within a month of bottling.


The other has a rigid system using Real Ale with no added anything but for 1kg of white sugar. He brews for 4 days exactly with temperature control 21-25c, then bottles, and leaves for 12 months before drinking! Yes he's that rigid, never checks the brew.


Both brews seem similar, very dark and rich.


They also both use carb drops, 2 per bottle - I don't.


That's what made me think it was from boiling the wart, unless it is the white sugar, I am so used to raw sugar?


My partner complains of headaches too - so there is something going on [bandit]

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Matty I was saving this story, because this guys flaunts the rules, and yet he gets away with it. He has nearly 1200 old style bottles and says he has never had one break on him.


The only problem he spoke of was too much foam on the decant, which is natural if the beer isn't ready, but the whole leaving it 12 months thing means 2nd carb is doing most of the work I suppose.


Nothing wrong with his beer, apart from my headaches lol, but I still think that's the wart boiling.


Hmmm but now I also thinks... I always leave an inch in my bottles, whereas maybe he pours the whole bottle? Maybe it's the yeast deposits. I noticed with PET bottles it's so much more tempting to drain the bottle.

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Yeah Muddy, that's one reason I was saving the story, just to freak you out lol.


I guess it is more to do with the forgiveness of time, or maybe the forgiveness of Coopers?


If there is suspended yeast, I assume that leaving any brew for that long would make it ok?


Anyhow, no offence, because this guy is an old timer, a good bloke, and he is happy with his result, and I can't help admire the 1200 bottle/12 month thing - awesome!


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I guess it is more to do with the forgiveness of time, or maybe the forgiveness of Coopers?


If there is suspended yeast, I assume that leaving any brew for that long would make it ok?

How will leaving a bottle bomb longer make it ok?

If it is going to explode at, say 3 months, then I can't see how you would expect to keep it any longer??


Hrrrmmm doen't make sense to me.

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