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Bought a can of original Lager today at Big W and it had a packet of gold ale yeast instead of white packet lager yeast. Compared it with a packet of ale yeast I had, just to see if there were any markings on it to distinguish it from the packet of ale yeast I had. There was no difference. The only numbers on the packet were the same as the ale yeast which were 0 88119 00007 4, But there were 2 other numbers one on the lager one 34910 and on the ale one 08410. Maybe they make a difference. Every other lager yeast I have had came in a white packed.

Could somebody let me know why the difference in the packets.



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I always have gold sachets with mine (well I think I do). I thought the white sachets where to do with the Thomas Coopers Range (eg Sparkling Ale).


I believe it would carry the Ale yeast that Coopers create and was packaged in December last year. From my understanding if the sachet only has the julian date on it, it is an Ale yeast.

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Yup. The OS lager kit gets the ale yeast in the gold sachet. They're both from 2010,at any rate. I got one from 32809,so I made a 1 1/2C starter for it to wake it up & make enough healthy yeasties to do the job. Worked great.

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I believe that the European Lager (International) and the Pilsner (Thomas Cooper) kits are the only ones with the lager yeast.


The rest contain Ale yeast but if I remember correctly some contain a blend of ale and lager yeast. Confused yet [sideways]

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The only 2 packets of white ones I had were from 2 Larger kits. Where else would I have got them from?I have only ever bought Original series kits and I got one lager with the kit i bought and I have bought one since not counting the last.Beats me!

I have been led to believe that Lager yeast is different to Ale yeast inasmuch as it takes longer to brew must be at low temp and is a bottom fermenting yeast. Whereas Ale yeast wont ferment at such low temp. Maybe Paul could shed some light on the matter.


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Well dear Trusty, answer this. There are no letters denoting what type of yeast it is. The date of packaging is ok. The one I have that came with the Lager was packed on the 349 day of 2010.

Now if one has a few of these gold packs in the fridge with no letter displayed then how do you tell the Larger yeast from the Ale? Maybe you know?


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Paul if the Ale and Lager yeast are the same, why did you give us all this goof?


International Series:-

Australian Pale Ale - Ac+L (26807 Int)

Mexican Cerveza - Ac+L (26807 Int)

European Lager - L (26807 P)

Canadian Blonde - Ac (26807)

English Bitter - Ac (26807)


Thomas Coopers Selection:-

Wheat - A (26807 W)

IPA - Ac (26807 IPA)

Irish Stout - A (26807 IS)

Pilsener - L (26807 P)

Australian Bitter - Ac+L (26807 PS)

Heritage Lager - Ac+L (26807 PS)

Sparkling Ale - Ac+L (26807 PS)

Traditional Draught - Ac+L (26807 PS) [pinched]


Can't find any of these symbols on any yeast packet!


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The lager and ale yeast are not the same. The LAGER CAN comes with an ALE YEAST, just as displayed in the list which you posted. As in the link Paul posted, the Original Lager Kit should have an ale yeast which only has a date printed on it, not a code for type of yeast.

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I'm not so sure about that Kearnage I think we need a bit more work before it becomes a Eureka moment.


Weggl - A recap:


1. Lager yeast an ale yeast are not the same.


2. I believe the rationale behind confusingly offering an ale yeast with the OS Lager is that the average Australian Joe Blow brewer will find it hard to brew a true lager at true lager temps due to our climate.


3. The list of yeast "goof" is accurate.


4. Paul never said Ale and Lager Yeast are the same.


5. Try the GOOGLE MACHINE for some more scientific info on how ale and lager yeasts are totally different beasts (Kinda like Fords And Holden).

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Right Muddy "4. Paul never said Ale and Lager Yeast are the same". But he did not say that all Coopers yeasts are not the same. Even a dummy like me knows that Lager yeast is diffrent to Ale yeast.

So all the yeast we get in gold packet are the same, I believe that all the yeast in white packets are the same as the Gold ones also, just put in white to let us believe they are different.

I will be following up with an admission where I will confess that I was wrong.[pinched] [pinched]



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I think you just need to worry about some specific codes on the packet.


If it is just the julian date then it is an ale yeast.


If it has an L in the code it is a lager yeast.


If it has Ac or A in the code it is an ale yeast.


If it has Ac+L it is a blend of Ale and lager yeast.


Hope that clears up the confusion [lol]

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Not quite , Matty.


Let's look at one of the examples from above:


European Lager - L (26807 P)


The sachet that comes with the European Lager beer kit is gold in colour.

In this example, the code on the back is "26807 P" - this means it was packaged on the 268th day of 2007 and it contains a Lager yeast strain.


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Yea, well, none of the gold yeast i have had under the lid of an Ale can or a Lager can have any letters whatsoever. So I am still asking the question apart from opening 2 packets and doing a smell test how does one distinguish a gold packet of lager yeast from a gold packet of Ale yeast?

So I say again if we buy OS Larger can we are not making Lager but rather Ale. I think Muddy is right they figure that we are unable to make Lager so why give them Lager yeast?[pinched]

Nothing like a good stir now and then!


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how does one distinguish a gold packet of lager yeast from a gold packet of Ale yeast?


Ok, one last try:

1. The tin it came in. The list of yeast by kit type that has been linked to many times tells you which yeast comes with which kit.


2. The code that is on the packet of yeast, that is cross referenced in the list that has been linked to many times. (Not applicable to the original series as they all have the same bloody ale yeast)


3. If all you have are the original series kits, they all have the same bloody ale yeast so we can all go home and have a beer.

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