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A mate of mine told me that beer is good for plants; well my plants just got 60 bottles.

30 Unreal Ale, 30 Canadian Blond. Both with Swine Flu.

I believe I have found the culprit. One of my fermenters had a slow leak from behind the tap, washer not sealing properly, by slow it was probable a drip per hour. Suspecting that this fermenter might have been the problem, I unscrewed the tap and sure enough there was a build up of yeasty muck between the washer and the washer seat.

So now when I wash and sanitise my fermenters I remove the tap, clean the thread on the fermenter with chlorine and a toothbrush, rinse and spray with Iodophor. (if that\u2019s how you spell it)

I soak the taps (open) in a chlorine solution then wash.

The worst part is that the Unreal Ale had been stored for over a month. On the bright side there is 60 bottles I don\u2019t have to buy.


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I pull everything apart when cleaning and sanitizing. I never have any build up issues as it is cleaned after every brew. I have had to do this to try find my recent problem with my FG not being reached so now I am in the habit of doing it, it becomes a madatory thing to do.


I do feel for you though [crying] but I bet the plants are happy. The Unreal Ale is quite nice I hope you got a chance to try at least one bottle.

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Matty, Bill ,Trusty,

Thank you for your commiserations. I figure there is no use in crying. I have learnt a valuable lesson though, be ever vigilant .Bugs lerk! Muddy did not join you, I guess he is thinking \u201csilly bugger\u201d![pinched]


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This truly is a sad story. I'm just catching up on a few threads and had a couple of laughs and now I'm heartbroken [lol] ..Sorry mate, chin up.


I must say I don't really do much when it comes to cleaning and sanitising my fermentor. When I finish a brew I give it a hose out (I remove the tap and give it a quick splash with the hose. I then add a lid of coles brand napisan (for sensitive skin = no perfumes) and fill it with water. I leave this for a day or two and then rinse it out. No fuss or wiping as the napisan removes everything - all the real work is done while I'm sleeping.

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Yea Muddy I do the same except i put about a table spoon of clorine in the fermenter fill it with water and leave it for a day, wash it out with the hose then rince it with a jug of boiling water. Napisan is I believe mostly clorine, same as bleach.

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That sucks dude...

I just hose the crap out of my tubs after racking/bottling, including removing the tap and blasting the thread.

I don't bleach or anything, just iodophor before brewing/racking/bottling... no problems yet...


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well, well, well, it just so happens that I just couldn't bite the bullet and tip the iodine brews. I am having a crack at the golden harvest lager from the keg, which has been in the fridge for a few weeks now, and it has defiinitely mellowed, to the point where considering how strong it was only last week, and the fact that I'm not 100% sure what the Golden Harvest Lager should taste like, I am enjoying it!


I might have to have a long term chill for the other effected batches.


So, if another dope does want I have done and over doses the iodine, my response would be to chill the beer for at least 2 weeks, try one then leave it another 2 weeks in the fridge, then try another. [rightful] DO NOT FEED TO THE VEGIE PATCH![rightful]

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Come on Muddy,I'm not over the hill yet, but i've got a bloody good view from where i'm standing. Can still go a round or two, don't think I could go three.[innocent]


Matty, your father in law is probably doing all the washing for his grandkids. Tell the women to give the poor old bugger a break.[devil]

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I was having a jug of the Golden Harvest Ale the other night and offered the mrs a taste, she had a sip and turned her nose up and said it was horrible. Whne I had a thoughtful gulp and swished it around on the palate, I ralised she was correct. OUT IT WENT! I tipped the remaining beer from the keg, washed it out and am about to fill it with an O.S. Draught, dry hopped with Amarillo! I put a bottle of the real ale which also had an Iodine taste in the fridge and will sample tomorrow night and if it is still 'contaminated' I will pop them and tip them also.


[rightful] [rightful] WE DON'T HAVE TO DRINK CRAP BEER![rightful] [rightful]

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