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brewing problems?


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Hey guys got a few problems with my most recent brew here are the brew details-


1x Coopers Mexican Cerveza

1x 1kg BE2

OG - 1040 @ approx 25degrees

FG - 1012 @ approx 23 degrees

Yeast pitched at 25-26 degrees

I used the yeast that came with the kit.


Now with my rough calculations the beer i have made comes in at around 4% or a little bit less. I was expecting something around the 4.5 - 4.8% mark. Im quite sure the beer has finished fermenting, so have I used some dodgy yeast? Is it worth pitching more yeast at this point or is it too late?

cheers in advance

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I think it sounds correct. BE2 contains Maltodextrin which isn't fully fermentable so will give a higher FG. I must say tho it will make your beer look and feel a lot better.


Give it another few days and check the gravity, if it is the same bottle it up. I am sure it will taste great.

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Bottle, if you have stable readings over a couple of days. No value in adding extra yeast at this point.


Assuming you made the brew up to 23 litres, both your OG and FG seem a tad high. What does your hydro read in tap water?


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I broke my 4th last week and I don't have a cat, bloody glass hydrometers.

Muddy's ok he scored a PLASTIC HYDROMETER,[devil]. I have not given up on my quest to have PLASTIC HYDROMETER supplied to all members of this forum.

I will fight to the death,[bandit]

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I've said it before Warren but you need to get yourself some rubber flooring [biggrin]


Not only do I now have a plastic hydrometer...sorry PLASTIC HYDROMETER [innocent] but I have 3 glass ones that I have accumulated. I've never broken one.


As Ross mentioned, how do you go with your bottles? Or are you strictly a PET man for safety reasons?

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i've been using the same glass hydrometer for the passed 7 years![cool] having said that i will probably break it in the next week or so.[crying] i'll let you guys know the momment i do.


weggl, don't take the damn thing out of the test cylinder![rightful] [rightful]

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Just re-surfaced my workshop "brewshop" floor and painted it, could not afford the rubber flooring and i stick to PET for very good reasons.I keep away from China shops. If i'm out with my wife and she goes into one of these fragile shops she makes me wait outside. I feel so un-wanted sometimes.[crying]

How did we get from Mexican brew to rubber floors? It was Black Jack who did it![bandit]

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Typical..I always, somehow manage to cop the blame![pinched]

Hey at least you have a brew room. At the moment I'm stuck with a kitchen for prep and bedroom for fermenting.(building a house so cramped for room at the moment)

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