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To pitch or not to pitch


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So the yeat started ripping through my Hefeweizen and dropped it from 1.049 down to 1.022 in just about 2 days but now just sits on 1.022 and has been for the last 2 days. That is well off the 1.015 it is supposed to finish at. Without opening the FV, there doesn't seem to be any krausen left and all looks like it is finished but I am not certain. The sample I just took to confirm the readings from the pill was rather cloudy but that is what we want from a HW anyway and it was frothing, indicating some sort of fermentation still going on. Since I am going to bottle half the batch, I need the beer to be done as I don't want bottle bombs. 

I am contemplating pitching another pack of yeast. Should I? Should I just up the temp to 20 or 21 (currently 19)? I am about to dry hop and could use the opportunity to add more yeast.


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@Aussiekraut the SG still seems high compared to what you expected so I guess that upping the temperature and adding more yeast may be a good idea. I wouldn't be bottling it at that SG, considering what you have calculated as the FG should be. What was the yeast that you used BTW?

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14 minutes ago, kmar92 said:

@Aussiekraut the SG still seems high compared to what you expected so I guess that upping the temperature and adding more yeast may be a good idea. I wouldn't be bottling it at that SG, considering what you have calculated as the FG should be. What was the yeast that you used BTW?

MJ M20 Bavarian Wheat. Never had any issue with it but usually fermented at 18C but decided to go 19 for some reason this time around.

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4 minutes ago, MitchBastard said:

How long has it been in the FV for? 

It’s only been in there for 4 days. I hadn’t taken any reading since and just watched the stats from the pill. It reads 1.022 since Tuesday and I took a manual sample before to check and indeed, it is sitting at 1.022. It tastes ok but a tad sweet because SG is still fairly high but I cannot imagine how it went from kicking in on Monday morning to dropping 27 points by Tuesday morning. That’s Kveik speed. I guess I will leave it a few more days and see what happens. If in doubt, I’ll pitch another lot.

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4 minutes ago, Aussiekraut said:

It’s only been in there for 4 days. I hadn’t taken any reading since and just watched the stats from the pill. It reads 1.022 since Tuesday and I took a manual sample before to check and indeed, it is sitting at 1.022. It tastes ok but a tad sweet because SG is still fairly high but I cannot imagine how it went from kicking in on Monday morning to dropping 27 points by Tuesday morning. That’s Kveik speed. I guess I will leave it a few more days and see what happens. If in doubt, I’ll pitch another lot.

Thats what i'd do.

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