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Beginner NEIPA recipes?


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Hey everyone

So last night i tried my first NEIPA and now im hooked. I dont know why i didnt earlier. I'm wondering if there are any easy recipes or kits that are extract based as im fairly new to home brewing having only made 2 extract kits so far. I have to find a way to create this amazing beer at home. Thanks all

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5 hours ago, Slopdog said:

Hey everyone

So last night i tried my first NEIPA and now im hooked. I dont know why i didnt earlier. I'm wondering if there are any easy recipes or kits that are extract based as im fairly new to home brewing having only made 2 extract kits so far. I have to find a way to create this amazing beer at home. Thanks all

while a good NEIPA is great tasting beer   and done right  they are rippa's

theNEIPA hates oxygen  and even with experience brewers   alot of times oxygen gets into the wort at some point 
and  you will find a oxygenated beer and in a short time the beer will start to taste like cardboard.

when doing NEIPA'S its better to do these under pressure and doing closed transfers to minimise getting oxygen in the beer if you keg

if you have only done 2 brews  in your brewing career  its something i would not be tempting  as a beginner at your point and no offense to you
its important now   to get the fundementals right and not look at complicated brews

not trying to distract you from brewing a NEIPA  , as i love them myself   but i very rarely brew them .   i must do another soon though


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6 hours ago, Slopdog said:

Hey everyone

So last night i tried my first NEIPA and now im hooked. I dont know why i didnt earlier. I'm wondering if there are any easy recipes or kits that are extract based as im fairly new to home brewing having only made 2 extract kits so far. I have to find a way to create this amazing beer at home. Thanks all

Hi @Slopdog try some of these, you are bound to find one in this lot ! 


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20 hours ago, Slopdog said:

Hey everyone

So last night i tried my first NEIPA and now im hooked. I dont know why i didnt earlier. I'm wondering if there are any easy recipes or kits that are extract based as im fairly new to home brewing having only made 2 extract kits so far. I have to find a way to create this amazing beer at home. Thanks all

One I made that worked out quite well is in the video below.  It is a bit more advanced for a 2 extracts brewer, but worth it.



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