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Ol fart

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HB101: Airlock is not a reliable indicator of fermentation. HB 102: Hydrometer is the only reliable indicator of fermentation. 


Assuming you put the yeast in, don't worry the FV is probably not sealed properly.  Take a hydrometer reading then leave sample and hydrometer in the tube and look at it tomorrow and you will see it fermenting in the tube.  Will look something like the picture. 


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1 hour ago, Ol fart said:

No bubbles in airlock, brew put down Friday, Mangrove Jacks Pils. Any advice


Mate if you can see condensation on the inside of the lid fermentation has started. Maybe check to make sure the lid is screwed on tight enough and as Marty said the hydrometer is the best indicator.

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1 hour ago, Ol fart said:

No bubbles in airlock, brew put down Friday, Mangrove Jacks Pils. Any advice


Some yeast can have a few days Lag time before it starts fermenting the sugars. It appears from your start day it has been in your FV for about two days or under.

Follow Marty_G's advice re taking a sample.

Edited by Pickles Jones
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Coopers fermenters do not have an airlock. They are an unreliable indication of fermentation. Condensation and a krausen forming will show that fermentation has started. As mentioned by others, your hydrometer is your most reliable indicator of how your brew is fermenting. 

Even the same strain of yeast will behave differently in brews even though the ingredients are the same in two brews. 

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