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Sugar for priming?


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Use the sugar that is most convenient for your purposes.


We use liquid sugar, for priming the commercial ales at the brewery.


Use cane sugar (table sugar, caster sugar, raw sugar) @ 8g per litre and Dextrose at 9 g per litre.

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if you're bottling I'd really encourage you to buy some carb drops - you can get them from most supermarkets I've found.


Not only do they make the job very easy, but your bottles will receive an equal dose of sugar.

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I have read (on another forum) that if you use Dex for priming you will get heaps of foaming in the bottle as you are filling because it is so fine and powdery (assuming you use a "little bottler" that is). M2C.

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Andrew, if using odd size bottles you may be better off to bulk prime.


A technique for bulk priming is on page 11 of the Coopers Micro-Brew kit instruction booklet


Ann, excess foaming, when filling bottles with the bottling valve, is dependant on the amount of CO2 in solution and the rate of flow.

Any dry sugar such as dextrose, caster sugar, table sugar, carbonation drops will offer nucleation sites for the CO2 to break out of solution.

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Aha! Thanks for that clarification Paul.


PS: What's with the date of these posts? Mine and yours just showed up as Wednesday 12th May (it IS Thursday, isn't it?) [crying] Ann

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  • 2 years later...
I have read (on another forum) that if you use Dex for priming you will get heaps of foaming in the bottle as you are filling because it is so fine and powdery (assuming you use a "little bottler" that is). M2C.

I've just switched from drops to dex and haven't noticed excessive foaming. Certainly not so much that I've even thought twice about the change. Some foaming begins to happen as it reaches the neck perhaps, but I just do the last bit slowly and it's all good.

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