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Malt Extract Cans


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Hey guys. I'm a newcomer to the homebrew scene, and I've got a question about the liquid malt extract cans. Can they be used instead of dextrose/DME when brewing with the standard kits, (eg Real Ale kit). I want to know if that's what they can be used for so that I can experiment with making amber ales and dark lagers from the standard cans.

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yes you can and it will be better than just dextrose. If you use a lot of it though you might want to look at boiling some hops with it for bitterness as it could make the beer a bit sweet. Might be a good idea to follow a recipe to start with if your a newcomer

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Brett, If your recipe suggests using Dry Malt then you can replace this with liquid malt. They are the same thing only in different form (ie. dry vs liquid).


I believe the liquid malt is 20% water so you will have to convert this for your recipe.


1.5kg Liquid Malt = 1.2kg Dry Malt

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Thanks Bill. I should have added a formula/equation to my post.


I find it easier to either multiply or divide by 0.80, depending on which way I am converting.


Although I only find it easier when I have a calculator handy.

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Here's a thought. Take an OS lager can,add a can of the wheat malt. Then add some Cascade & Kent Golding hops,with some orange & lemon zest. Then a small amount of crushed Indian coriander. You'd get something real close to a Belgian white ale.

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