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Beer Tap Tops


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I'm with bags, please release some merchandise for us fortunate beings that would like to enlighten the heathen horde to the ways of home brew




what better way to spread the good word than to have have our bars adorned with the righteous words "Coopers" and "Homebrew"




to have our beer taps emblazoned with the truth would be a honor albeit unworthy to all but the most dedicated of the faith

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Sorry I didn't come back on this one :oops:




There are a few of the old design font flags (tap tops) around the place, I think?? The draught services guys went through most pubs and replaced them with the new oval shaped ones.




They decided not to sell them through the General Store.




Perhaps, send an e-mail to: paulb@coopers.com.au


and I'll see what I can find, not promising anything, though...

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