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Blending different yeast strains

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I was thinking to myself the other day out of all the different yeasts you use what if you were to make an even blend of them. Just one of my weird thoughts but if you could blend different yeasts you could come up with your own type of yeast that you cannot buy elsewhere pretty cool thought but is it possible without having a laboratory [bandit]

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I suppose you could just wash the trub and keep a vial from each brew, then later combine and wash all of the vials into a starter.


The interesting part would be selecting the combination of yeasts for a particular fermentation temperature to get a tasty variety of esters.


For example a combination of [s23 + us05 + wb06], would make completely different beers with the same wort depending on the temperature that you ferment at.


Fermentis also have a fuel ethanol yeast. What would happen if you introduced some of this? [alien]

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Perfectly acceptable practice, keep in mind though that you need to keep the pure cultures going and mix them as you brew, continual re-use tends to favour one yeast over the other and the 'blend' will not remain as you made it.


That said, Ive got a Greenbelt/US-05 blend that I think is on its final legs... something not quite the same about it, it's a little less flocculent than it should be so the beers not clearing as I'd like..



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That's a good point. Eventually the dominant yeast will just reproduce itself and take over. Leaving you with 1 original strain.


Although apparently 'Under low nutrient conditions, yeasts that are capapable of sexual reproduction will form ascospores.'

So starving some yeast strain mixes could potentially make you a unique strain and millions of Ausie Moon Dollars.


Although I'm sure the lab guys are miles ahead of us on that one...


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CraftBrewer lists 110 different yeast strains on their site, 80 of which are Wyeast strains. Apparently Wyeast produce more than these 80 strains, Craft Brewer don't stock White Labs yeast and I imagine that they have similar numbers to Wyeast. Just counting the main producers of yeast I can't see that I will ever try them all.


Even if I stick to brewing normal ales with Wyeast and White labs strains I have 54 to choose from. If I reuse the yeast 3 times each to fully experiment with these strains I have to put down 162 brews before I am in a position to experiment with yeast blends. At my proposed new rate of 2 brews per month it will take me close to seven years of research. By then I would have drank over 3400 litres of beer and coupled with my ageing mind I would have forgotten what the aim of the experiment/research was.


Then there are the special ale strains, Belgian, Trappist, wheats of many origin and the list goes on\u2026.

Just another reason why I should have got into home brewing when I was younger [biggrin]


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  • 5 weeks later...
They really need a "like" or a "vote up" feature here. Scottie's reply would surely get my vote and mate don't wait 7 years to update us on your research!

I would "dislike" Scottie's response (well part of it anyway). 7 Years!!!!


If Scottie was really serious about his homebrewing and scientific studies then he would double his efforts and repport back in at least 3.5 years.


We could all chip in for Scottie's new liver [biggrin]

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