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True Aussie Bitter


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Hi Guys,


Have been reading this forum since I got my homebrew goodies for christmas and have been learning plenty. I am up to my 7th brew and so far they have turned out pretty well. I am still doing just the basics but the beer is very drinkable, maybe a little too drinkable!


Anyway I have had a True Aussie Bitter going for just over 3 weeks now and the last 2 readings I have taken on days 14 and 22 have been 1014. Do you think that is too high to bottle? I am just worried about leaving it in for too much longer.


Thanks for your help.

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just cracked open first bottle of my aussie bitter - very nice drop - bottled at 1014



When did you bottle Scott?

I tried one last night that was bottled on 21/7/11 - it was ok but I was a little disappointed with the head as I used 9gms/lt dextrose and was expecting a gusher - but not so. Does not hold the head toward bottom of the glass. Unfortunately they have been stored in my cellar brewery at 16\xb0C since bottling and I wonder if that lower temperature is affecting the carbonation a bit. At least they are not exploding.


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I wouldnt expect them to explode but definately carbed up.


Give them another couple of weeks and they will be a completely differant beer. They have only been in the bottle 2 weeks and when the temperature isnt warm enough to carb it quickly it will need longer.

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It should get ther over time as long as it doesn't drop too low. It is always a good idea to store them soemwhere warmer for the first 2-3 weeks in winter (Living area or kitchen cupboards works for me).


Wish I could Muddy but we have an unwritten law here that my brewery stays in the cellar and no where else. I must build a bottle conditioning cabinet down there out of old styrene foam and put a controller on it when my replacement comes.


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