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Quick question


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Hi guys,

Ive just put down a brew using a recipe from the "Brewing Crafts" book by Mike Rodgers-Wilson. the book has a great range of beer recipes including some "clones"


The one I've put on to brew is a Miller Draught clone...the question is, this recipe calls for only 500grams of dextrose - i'm just wondering what difference this will have on the brew as compared to using a full kilo as utilised by most recipes?


Cheers for any info...


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an excess of simple sugars dry and thin out your beer, When kit brewing these days I use no more than 300g of DEX and up the DME resulting in a beer with more body and far less 'cidery' than a full kilo of dex...


what recipies call fro a Kilo of DEX? something out of the 70's perhaps?[bandit]

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All of the OS Beer kits just say 1kg of sugar which some people even use white sugar for it.


I am with you tho Yob, I havent used dextrose (with the exception of priming the bottles) for a long time, I just use malt.


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Like Yob, I rarely use more than 300g dex. I do still use it for most of my beers but only in moderation.


Whenever I have experimented and made beers with dextrose as the main additive I haven't enjoyed them at all. An example of this would be the Blushing Blonde in the "How To Brew" section of this site. I made it with blueberries and I just don't like it at all. I thought it more of a ladies beer but couldn't even fob it off on my mother or sister. I guess I am going to just tip it out or keep it for if I am ever desperate [biggrin]

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Yeah, but you are using two cans of malt.


So it is the equivalent of using 1 can plus 1.7kg of liquid malt plus 1kg of dex.


There is a lot of dex but as a percentage of fermentables it is much less than a kit & kilo of dex.

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an excess of simple sugars dry and thin out your beer, When kit brewing these days I use no more than 300g of DEX and up the DME resulting in a beer with more body and far less 'cidery' than a full kilo of dex...


what recipies call fro a Kilo of DEX? something out of the 70's perhaps?[bandit]


It's a Miller clone, it should be thin and cidery!


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It's a Miller clone, it should be thin and cidery!

... and ustilise the cheapest ingredients and need to be chilled below 4C and carbonated to 3 vol. Don't want any flavour or aroma coming through, just to be true to the mega-swill Lager style


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It's a Miller clone, it should be thin and cidery!

ahh well then, just throw 2 kilos of CSR white sugar in and away ya go mate if thats what ya like...


[edit] that was a bit harsh apon reflection. If thats the style of beer your taste buds like then have at it mate, but you will get some (IMO)unwanted and undesirable flavour with too much simple sugars. Achieving a ballence is what we aim for to a large degree.


The APA kit I put in yesterday had 300g dex, 500g DME and about 200g Wheat DME, Rarely if ever do I now go above 300g, in fact I have packaged 5kg dex into 300g baggies and 5kg DME into 400g baggies.. damn it makes brew day easy, bag o this, bag o that, bit o wheat malt and the resulting beer is sooooo much nicer than any I put in with any "kit enhancers" or, needless to say, DEX alone..


tastes are unique though and if this is what you like I will not bag you further for it. My apologies... and in all seriousness I have heard of people throwing in 2kg of CSR...





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Oi! are you guys bagging the fact that I like Miller [biggrin] - its a nice kick back and relax drop (way better than Bud anyday) I'm pretty open to all styles of beer - just saw this recipe and thought what the Hey! I'll give it a go......


Just asking how the low Dex content would effect the brew......


I can say it hasnt effected the fermenting process...it's blurbing away just like any other.....




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Hmmm....just to try and tidy up this post here is the recipe for the Miller draught "clone"


Black Rock India Pale Ale

500g Dextrose

Saflager Yeast


Made to 21litres - should produce a 4.8% brew


Has anyone else tried recipes from the fore-mentioned book????



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Hmmm....just to try and tidy up this post here is the recipe for the Miller draught "clone"


Black Rock India Pale Ale

500g Dextrose

Saflager Yeast


Made to 21litres - should produce a 4.8% brew


Has anyone else tried recipes from the fore-mentioned book????




I'm curious why an IPA kit for a clone of an American Lager?

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I would not have thought of an IPA kit as a base for a Millers Draught especially since I do not recall it having a pronounce hoppiness which I would have thought the IPA kit may have.

Have drank quite a bit of the Millers High Life which is the pastuerised version of the Millers Draught. Quite drinkable if you are on a budget in the US.

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I'll echo the above, An IPA kit for a Lager?


Searched a number of American brewing forums and failed to find a Miller's clone. Even they flame anyone requesting a recipe. [biggrin]


You are right, there are times that suit a mega-swill lager, e.g. very hot day by a very hot BBQ...





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I use all malt these days with the exception of BE2 or ultrabrew for the occasional beer. 500g dextrose might be okay for a miller though, Arn't those beers high in adjuncts anyway?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hmmm....just to try and tidy up this post here is the recipe for the Miller draught "clone"


Black Rock India Pale Ale

500g Dextrose

Saflager Yeast


Made to 21litres - should produce a 4.8% brew


Has anyone else tried recipes from the fore-mentioned book????




I'm curious why an IPA kit for a clone of an American Lager?


Dont shoot the messenger...I'm just following the recipe supplied, I'm assuming somehow that this combination get you close to the Miller flavour somehow....


Anyway, just took a sample today (of the beer - jeez you guys![biggrin] ) got a final grav of 1.006 took a small swill and surprisingly the taste does seem rather close to my last memory of Millar.....go figure





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I'll echo the above, An IPA kit for a Lager?


Searched a number of American brewing forums and failed to find a Miller's clone. Even they flame anyone requesting a recipe. [biggrin]


You are right, there are times that suit a mega-swill lager, e.g. very hot day by a very hot BBQ...





Yeah, or after a day on the cricket field, especially when it's over 30. I tell you, even Pure Bland tastes ok then.

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Well,On homebrewtalk.com,BMC's (bud,miller,coors) are considered lawn mower beers only. They're cheaper to buy than to brew,being computer controlled everything lagers/pilsners.

They're harder to brew than you think,& take a few months with protein rests,diecytle rests,lagering @ cold temps,etc. Some folks on there are a bit over the top kind of beer snobs.

I'm just not one of them...

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