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Heating beer with an aquarium heater????


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Hey guys I keep hearing about people who heat their fermenters with aquarium heaters....Can anyone please explain how this works?


Thanks guys....




I would avoid that path personally from a sanitation point of view if you mean suspending it inside the fermenter. Just another possible source of infection methinks.


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Reptile heaters or light bulbs in a fridge or insulated box work well. If you use something like the STC-1000 (Look around on ebay and find the cheapest supplier - my link isn't the cheapest) to control the heat or cooling. If you use it with a fridge - you just set the temp where you want and it will turn on the fridge or heat source when required to keep the temp at the right spot.


Like John says it is best to avoid anything is submersed in your beer. Also it is best not to have the heat source directly in contact with your fermentor - you really just want to raise the ambient heat in the fridge (or box).

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With correct sanitary procedures and as a heat source there are no ramifications heating wort as an internal heater. However, the implications I believe come from the yeast that is in contact with the heater.... not a good idea I wouldn't think and you would find that the internal temps will differ. i.e. it will be hotter neat the heater than near the side of the FV.


Do a search on these forums as there are plenty of topics about this. Even some which are current.

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I think Bill has a good point there.


I don't know how much heat they pump out but it must be a fair bit to warm up 20 odd litres of wort.


The little yeasties close to the probe wouldn't be too happy about that.

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one guy I used to know used an aquarium heater to great success but as the other guys said not in the FV!, he used to put the plug in the laundry sink then put the FV in the sink and fill the sink to the brim, plugged the heater in and placed it in one of the corners, IMO it works brilliantly, just not in the FV [biggrin]

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I think Bill has a good point there.


I don't know how much heat they pump out but it must be a fair bit to warm up 20 odd litres of wort.


The little yeasties close to the probe wouldn't be too happy about that.


Being that keep tropical fish as well as homebrew (note: not in the same vessel!) Aquarium heaters are low heat output devices ranging from 25watts upwards....the best advantage from using them (which I dont and wouldnt contemplate) is that they are thermosaticly controlled....enabling you to "dial in" your fermenting temperature...



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I reckon it'd work all right. Cut off the plug and feed it through a hole in the lid of your FV - finally a use for the air lock hole! - and re-wire a new plug. The glass tube containing the heater should be easy to sanitise. They have a built-in thermostat so in that they are better than heat belts. There could be some localised heating due to the heat source being internal but if you wrap or insulate the FV then it shouldn't be an issue.

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I would still think that if the heaters need to keep an aquarium at a certain degrees (lets say 18 because thats ferment temp) it would need to produce more heat to keep it there as the ambiant air on the cold nights would reduce the temperature too much.


I would just play it safe and not do it and create a heated box using either the aquarium heater (not sure how it would work) or an old light bulb with a terracotta pot over the top of it.


Plus I cant use my airlock hole anymore as I dont have the lid [bandit]

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It just amazes me why people would want to introduce something to their brew that involves more work and more chance of infection if not done correctly when there is no need.


I don't know the price of an aquarium heater but am assuming it is roughly on par with the $16 STC in a box. I know what I rather and what would be more accurate with less work. Nevertheless, each to their own I guess [innocent]

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