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original series draught yeast/ recipe


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after doing a couple of kit brews now, i have got two cans of original series draught.

i am a little confused about the yeast, on the "how to brew" section of the coopers site it recommends lager temperatures but the instructions are different.

my yeast packets only have a date code.


any ideas on fermentation and maybe a recipe to brew with the two cans and maybe some hops?


sorry if sounds a bit basic but i am new to brewing[innocent]


many thanks

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Hey Glen,

Are you looking at this recipe?

Fresh Draught


That`s made with the Can of Thomas Coopers Traditional Draught not the Original series, Im pretty sure the OS cans have a blend of ale/lager yeast and need to ferment around the low 20`s


Sticky for the yeast is here Here


thanks for that looks like i was looking at the wrong instructions! so could i make a beer using both cans together and some ale yeast and maybe some hop tea?

would i need any extra brewing sugar if i used both cans?


many thanks



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All I have to remember about the yeast is You only have to brew the Thomas Coopers Pilsner and the European Lager at lager temps which is around 11C, while you brew the rest at Ale temps wich is around 20C.


All OS kits are using ale yeast, even the lager.

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thanks guys for reply think i will do the two cans os draught, ferment at 20c and maybe add a little flavour/aroma with a 15 min boil.

i presume i can do the boil with about 5 litres of water and 500g extract and add hops for 15 min and 0 mins?


i was thinking maybe cascade hop for flavour and aroma?


many thanks

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hi glen,


just so happens i'm sampling an OS Draught hopped with cascade at the momment.[cool] it's only been in bottle since april 22. it is surpassing my expectations for such a green beer. the aroma is quite nice. and the flavour totally quaffable.[wink] the recipe is very simple.


23l water

1.7 OS draught kit

600g dex

480 malto dex (liquid)

7g copper's kit yeast

15g cascade dry hopped @ day 6

207g dex for bulk priming


i think this one is a winner. i'll be making this one again soon.



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Disregard my first post guys. I tightened the top down and am now waiting for the yeast to work. However I can`t explain the bubbling because leakage would only cause pressure equalisation. It appears we are never to old to learn but in brewing it seems we just have to say don`t know and get on with drinking[happy]

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If the brew is warmer than ambient air temp', once the FV is sealed the brew will warm up the air in the headspace, increasing the pressure and causing the airlock to gurgle.


Never, never trust the airlock [devil]

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I noticed some casting flash on the lid sealing surface of my Micro brew FV when I was cleaning it after my last batch. So,using a sharp knife,I carefully trimmed it flat. Now the airlock actually works!

I spent National Home Brewer's day (last Saturday) Mentoring my wife on her 1st brew-a Brewer's Best summer ale kit/with steeping grains,she nailed her temps,additions,etc till we finished up by late afternoon. I'm proud of her for doing such a bang up job!

So,Sunday I got to brew my OS draught. I posted the recipe in the recipe resource. 1 OS draught can,3lbs (1.362kg)Munton's plain light DME,US Pearl hops,& Czech Saaz hops.

I re-hydrated the kit yeast as well. This time,I boiled 2.5G (about 9.5L)of water in my 5G (19L)BK,adding all 3lbs (1.362kg)of DME. Stir it in,stir down small hot break,Then add 1oz (30g)US Perle hops in sack for 20 mins. At 10mins,add .5oz (15g)of Saaz hops. At flame out,take off heat,remove/drain hop sacks,add last .5oz (15g)of Saaz hops,cover kettle,time steep of 10mins.

Remove hop sack,add OS draught can,stir briskly to incorporate. Chill in ice bath down to 70F(21C),add to fermenter,top off to 23L,stir briskly again. Hydrometer sample was OG 1.046. Stir re-hydrated yeast & pitch. Tighten down lid,fill airlock (I use cheap grocery store vodka).


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hi glen,


just so happens i'm sampling an OS Draught hopped with cascade at the momment.[cool] it's only been in bottle since april 22. it is surpassing my expectations for such a green beer. the aroma is quite nice. and the flavour totally quaffable.[wink] the recipe is very simple.


23l water

1.7 OS draught kit

600g dex

480 malto dex (liquid)

7g copper's kit yeast

15g cascade dry hopped @ day 6

207g dex for bulk priming


i think this one is a winner. i'll be making this one again soon.





thanks sounds good[happy]

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480 malto dex (liquid)


Do you reckon it needs the maltodextrin Chad? Not a big fan of it myself but just wondering what your thoughts are.


i was going to do the two cans, maybe use a safale yeast and flavour/aroma hop.


what do you think?

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I reckon the 2 can option is a winner. I'm thinking of putting one on soon with some cascade to get rid of some of my excess hop stocks (I accidently double ordered [pinched] ). I'll either go for a coopers recultured yeast or US-05


ok i might do the us05 as i have not done reculture before and is only my third brew.


i want to concentrate on getting my temps right etc to make the best i can before i advance.


first brew was the coopers lager and was ok but seemed a bit thin to me?

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I reckon the 2 can option is a winner. I'm thinking of putting one on soon with some cascade to get rid of some of my excess hop stocks (I accidently double ordered [pinched] ). I'll either go for a coopers recultured yeast or US-05


ok i might do the us05 as i have not done reculture before and is only my third brew.


i want to concentrate on getting my temps right etc to make the best i can before i advance.


first brew was the coopers lager and was ok but seemed a bit thin to me?


'tis never to early to get into reculturing your own yeast. there is a sticky on the forum explaining in easy to understand terms. I'm doing some tonight! Used with correct temps, like you are achieving = [love] beer! (+ if you buy longnecks you get commercial beer and bottles along with the yeast for about the same cost as just the yeast, yay!!!)

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480 malto dex (liquid)


Do you reckon it needs the maltodextrin Chad? Not a big fan of it myself but just wondering what your thoughts are.


muddy, the malto-dex that i use is liquid corn syrup. it has a few other ingredients (see "guinnesss clone" in recipe resource). i'm finding that it make a really tasty brew. it's half the price of LDM and easier to find in my small town. the recipe that i quoted would cost around $20 compared to $30+ for the Toucan.


what would you suggest instead of the M-D? other that the toucan.

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