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extra strong vintage ale


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Hey brewers i was planning to put down a coopers extra strong vintage ale on the weekend ia have all the stuff reqired exept the nelson savin hops the hops i do have in the frezer are belgin sazz/motueka 25g, amarillo 50g, galaxy 25g and culster 25g all of these hops are in pellet form wich hops would be best suited for this brew or should i wait until i get the nelson savin hops

thanks in advance for the help[biggrin]


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Any of them would be fine. Personally, I would like to try it with the Motueka.


I am sure you will do this recipe again, try the Nelson Sauvin next time.


Blew a keg of ESVA last night. Hopped with EK Goldings and allowed to sit in the keg for a month...

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Thanks everyone for the advice but i ended up making a morgans amber ale (i know its not coopers but the brew shop recommended it[innocent]) with my first partial mash i will keep the recultured yeast and give this a go next brew i think i will go with the galaxy hops

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  • 2 weeks later...

Put down the brew last night i ended up using galaxy hop pellets i also added 100g of wheat malt grains and 100g of pilsner malt grains mashed i hope i can put this one away for a while and forget about it[lol]

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  • 1 month later...

Tried the first bottle last night. holy shit what a good drop of beer so early its not as bitter as i thought it would be and has great flavors. Im going to find it hard to forget about this one now i have a feeling it wont last[lol]

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I have the same issue Benken. All I did was make another batch and put one away. I still have some of the first batch left but I have 2 Milkcrates worht that is around 3 months. I don't plan on touching it until after 6 months or longer if I can.

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