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My SG bottomed out-ideas?


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So my hydrometer appears to be off as it reads 1004 when I test it in water. However, even considering that, after 9 days in the Coopers kit it has gone from 1044 to 1020 and has been at 1020 for 2 days now. Is it done or did I jack it up? Should I bottle or let it sit. It's been at 22C throughout and is the Stout kit with 1kg BE2 and 500mg of LDME. Seems like that would only yield about 4%ABV which seems wrong. I don't want a sweet stout. :) Thanks


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maybe give the fermenter a little swirl to get the yeast into suspension again. Just remember when doing that, try not to get too much oxygen into the brew so try not to splash it around.


The same thing happened when I done my first stout but this fixed it. If it doesnt you could always pitch new yeast because I don't think its finished yet.

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If your hydrometer is a coopers one then you need to ensure the water is at ~20C for a correct reading of 1000. Nevertheless, regardless to say that if it is out it won't matter between your readings as you are still looking for the same reading over 2-3 days for FG.


My hydrometer is out by .002 and I just make the necessary calculations to accommodate.

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If your hydrometer is a coopers one then you need to ensure the water is at ~20C for a correct reading of 1000.


It also depends on the water quality as well. If the water has lots of chlorine etc in it it can make the gravity reading appear higher as it is denser.


Main thing is if it is .002 out and you use that water you will expect it to be .002 out after fermentation has finished

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if your hydrometer is reading .004 off the mark and if i am right with the correction it reads 1.016 it is not far off the 1.012-14 that it should be. maybe a little more time will get it to that mark. maybe not![annoyed]


muddy, there is 750g of LDM in the recipe + the kit. is that what is hanging the FG high?

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Michael, assuming you made it up to 23 litres, 1016 (corrected) sounds a bit high for FG but not too far off. No big deal if you plan to bottle into PETs [wink]


Have a smell and a taste - it shouldn't taste "sweet" - and bottle it off.

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You all are awesome. Thank you! I gave it a swish and warmed it up to 24c for the last 24 hours, but it is still 1020 (corrected...1024 reading)...no change. I don't want it to go bad in the fermenter, so I think I am on the re-pitch or bottle (using PETs with the drops). I'm just not real excited about a beer with a 3.7% ABV. :) I can get that anytime. By pitch some more yeast, do you just mean put another packet in?


(Sorry for being such a rook)

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Yep by pitch its just put in another packet. Although being so close I might even bottle it now.


It isnt corrected to 1024 but 1016 as you need to -004 from the total to get it correct. That is fairly close to FG and it won't drop much more.


BTW its going to be closer to 4% before you add the carb drops

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Michael' date=' assuming you made it up to 23 litres, 1016 (corrected) sounds a bit high for FG but not too far off. No big deal if you plan to bottle into PETs [wink']


Have a smell and a taste - it shouldn't taste "sweet" - and bottle it off.

Take Paul's advice imo and just bottle it into PETs. He know's what he is talking about. Then start another brew and you'll have it done by the time you'd fart around pitching more yeast and waiting for this one. [ninja]

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Cool guys. I'll bottle tonight. It tastes bitter but still like beer (I think) :). It is a ready of 1024, corrected to 1020 as the water at 22C is 1004...I think again. It isn't sweet but certainly not yummy yet. :)

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Michael, you can click on your name at the top left of the screen and you will find a spot to fill in your location details [biggrin]


Check a bottle at the 2 week mark, chill it and drink it. Then decide whether the bottles are carrying too much pressure. To release pressure, simply unscrew the top slightly until the gas releases then nip them back up - they may require pressure release more than once to finally normalise the amount of fizz to your preference. [cool]

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