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English strong smooth bitter?


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Brewing history so far\u2026 Mid-strength IPA, English bitter & Authentic IPA as per website.


Just bottled the Authentic IPA today and tastes good straight out the fermenter. [biggrin] I was pleasantly surprised how good the stock English bitter was although I would like to increase the ABV a little so thought I might try the following variation as an experiment:


\u2022 1.7kg Coopers English bitter

\u2022 500g LDM

\u2022 500g Dextrose (new)

\u2022 200g Molasses (new)

\u2022 2 x 7g Coopers brewing yeast (1 new)


I thought the Dextrose would increase the ABV and Molasses would give it a smooth buttery taste (somewhat similar to the Extra Smooth recipe).


Do you think I should increase the LDM to 1kg or does the above sound ok?


Any polite [lol] suggestions, comments, variations for this recipe?


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I dont experiment a great deal with the recipes but I would increase the LDM. It will give the beer a better body, but others that experiment with everything will let you know where to go.


I think it sounds great and may have to give that ago someday (todo list has way too much on it). I am glad you like your IPA.

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Thanks guys... think I have settled on 1kg LDM and 300g Dextrose plus the 200g (ish) of molasses. I am going with 23 ltr's - just cause that's and extra couple of bottles. [joyful]


'Canadian' I should be putting this down in the next 24hrs - will post the OG to give an indication of the ABV.

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well scott i beat you to it![cool]


here's mine:


B.S.A. Bitter


1.7 kg E. Bitter kit

1.2 kg LME (amber)

300 g dex

250 g "fancy" molasses

21 L water

7 g cooper's yeast pitched at 25C

O.G. 1.052


good luck with yours,



p.s. i've got rights to the name unless of course you ride a B.S.A. as well! [cool][biggrin]

1971 B.S.A. 650L

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Damn... (joking) sounds good Chad, great name too!


Unfortunately I don't have a BSA and don't think I will name it after my vehicle - Durango Bitter doesn't sound quite right! [lol]


My final recipe was:


\u2022 1.7kg Coopers English bitter

\u2022 1kg LDM (Spangnols Gold)

\u2022 300g Dextrose

\u2022 250g Organic Blackstrap Molasses

\u2022 14g Coopers brewing yeast (pitched @ 25 deg C)

\u2022 23 Ltr water


OG 1.042 estimated 5.3% ABV [cool]


Now comes the hard part - waiting! [roll]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got to bottling today... been really busy so a little later than expected. It's been 13 days in the FV @ 21-22 deg, final SG 1.006 didn't check it over 2 days but hoping after this time will be ok [pinched]...


Added my usual 184g dextrose for the secondary ferment. Tastes good - really nice dark colour, guess that's from the Molasses. [cool]


Supplies are running really low [crying] so probably only be a week before I start sampling.


Must buy another FV and heating belt!!!


Gonna get another batch of Authentic IPA underway in the next day or two. [biggrin]



Chad - How is the B.S.A. Bitter shaping up - in the bottle now, what was the final SG?

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Scott,May well be a little sweet, with all that malt plus molasses, but we will wait on the results, but it sure sounds good. The OG should be up around the 5 mark! Dont think you can get 5.3% from OG 42?


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bottled the B.S.A. Bitter this morning.

recipe additions:

17g Fuggles dry hop on day 5 of fermentation

169g dex bulk primed


F.G. 1.012 ABV 5.8%


i'm looking forward to this one. i think it shows great promise. but, just like my 71' Lightning, the older it gets the nicer it gets.[cool]





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Just cracked the first bottle (yes I know it's way to early but just a sample... [lol] ).


Seems promising, very dark and can definately taste the addition of the molasses. Actually reminds me a little of 'Theakston's Old Peculiar'.


I think you are right Chad - this will improve with age... Will try and lay a few away for an extended period of time. [cool]


Weggl - My ABV calculation was:


OG 1042 minus FG 1006 divided by 7.46 add 0.5 (sec ferm (184g Dex)) = 5.3% ABV


... isn't that correct?

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  • 2 weeks later...

i poured myself a B.S.A today. Man, what a fine brew![biggrin]


it is very rich and buttery with a smooth finish. the head is nice and creamy and plenty of it.




i am very impressed with this brew. it has potential to be my finest to date (in a couple of months).


scott, i hope yours is shaping up well.

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Looks good Chad! I'm impressed with my brew too.


I would like to say that I am going to lay some away as it is improving every day... trouble is it's already 75% gone [crying]


Have to try and build up a stock... (or maybe drink less[innocent] ) just bottled my Authentic IPA yesterday and got another of my ESB (same rec as before) in the FV today - maybe this will last a little longer.[roll]






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