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Coopers Non-Genuine Draught

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10 hours ago, Cheap Charlie said:

This is my first attempt at a clone recipe of the limited edition Coopers Genuine Draught. I based it on the May 2023 ROTM.

I would love to hear some input, and if there is anything you would change or improve upon.

So it's a AG clone of an extract clone. 🤔



Your recipe looks pretty good to me.

  • Coopers Pale Malt - Good choice to emulate the Coopers Mexican Cerveza
  • Crystal and Carapils as per the Coopers Genuine Draught recipe
  • 67°C Mash in to retain some unfermentability and mimic the effect of Maltodextrin in the BE3 in the GD recipe, alternatively mash at 64-65°C and add 250g of Maltodextrin with a minite to go in the boil
  • Hallertau hops as per the GD recipe plus as the 60 minute boil bittering hop
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5 hours ago, Shamus O'Sean said:

Your recipe looks pretty good to me.

  • Coopers Pale Malt - Good choice to emulate the Coopers Mexican Cerveza
  • Crystal and Carapils as per the Coopers Genuine Draught recipe
  • 67°C Mash in to retain some unfermentability and mimic the effect of Maltodextrin in the BE3 in the GD recipe, alternatively mash at 64-65°C and add 250g of Maltodextrin with a minite to go in the boil
  • Hallertau hops as per the GD recipe plus as the 60 minute boil bittering hop

Thanks for your comments mate. I like the idea of the late maltodextrin addition "cheat". I will keep it in mind for future brews.

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