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The 2014 Great Plague of Adelaide

King Ruddager

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Anyone copped that bug that's going around?


I had to go home from work on Tuesday, but seemed to be better again soon enough and was back on Thursday but Friday I only lasted a couple of hours before I got really, really sick and now I'm just about bed-ridden sad It doesn't help that I'm brewing a lager at the moment so the house has to be super cold, but most disappointing is that I'll be missing out on a big bike ride tomorrow in the hills. The doctor told me that if I did the full 150kms I'd probably end up in hospital sad


Actually, this is as good a time as any to see if any of you would like to throw me a Ride for a Reason donation. I'm almost half way to my target of raising $1,000 and the money goes to the Cancer Council, so if you missed Daffodil Day yesterday and are suffering some sort of guilt then there's still time to make amends.

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