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Hi all


Given the cold weather, I want to have a go at making a doppelbock. I'm wanting to do an extract and grains brew. Does anyone have any advice on the malt bill or yeast to use?



I was thinking:


Total volume 16L


3.00kg liquid Munich malt

1.50kg Light LME

0.33kg CaraPils

0.33kg Medium Crystal

0.33kg CaraMunich I


Whatever hops to get IBU = 21


Wyeast 2206 Liquid Lager yeast


The bible (How to Brew by John Palmer) recommends 50/50 base malt and Munich. Traditionally, all Munich malt was used. I want a mid-range darkness, so I thought I'd go halfway.




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I had a Maibock while in Germany a coupla weeks ago. Reading up on those and the flavour predominantly comes from the malt.


The one I had was do fruity, but not a hoppy fruity - musta been from the yeast and the malt. Really interesting. Will be investigating doing something like that myself. IT felt quite thick, like a syrup almost - but it wasn't....[pinched]

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Hey Dylan!


Im also in the process of building a bock recipe myself. Tasted a Weihenstephaner Korbinian in December and it just blew my mind the flavors the alcohol and the malt flavor, the hops, everything. To date is my favorite Bock. Searched around for quite a bit but couldnt find a clone recipe for this.


From what Ive read the important things to keep in mind in a bock recipe are:


- Malts: Should be german preferably, munich malt is almost a must since ive seen it in almost every recipe for bock styles.


- Yeast: a Good Weihenstephaner Lager strain which on top of my head is the Saflager 34/70 on dry. Havent tried myself the liquid yeasts yet, but im sure theres also a good set of strains in liquid form also.


- Hops: Hops tend to be Hallertauer in most recipes ive seen, Crystal also, and German Northern Brewer. Some do Saaz but I wouldnt.


Your recipe seems fine, assuming that you have calculated this ingredients tru a spreadsheet or a beer software. To get to your desired gravity.


I have a similar recipe in hand that calls for the following:



5kg American 2-row (the only pale malt i have access to :( )

0.4kg Caramel/Crystal around 20L (again my grain supplier is really limited in variety)


Ill prob add to this around 800grams of Light Dry Malt Extract I have left to boost the alcohol a little more.



Gona be tryin the Decoction method for this. Which seems to bring out the maltynes a little more than the single infusion method.




20g Hallertauer @ 60

20g Crystal @ 60

10g Hallertauer @ 15

10g Crystal @ 15


Yeast: Im tryin to get my hands on a Lager yeast preferably the Saflager 34/70.


Hope some of this helps.


Happy brewing mate. Cheers!


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Looks good Dylan. If you are making this to style then don't hop much after 30 minutes, if at all.


But then if you want a hoppier beer then go for it.


The yeast is a good choice too.


Where do you get your liquid Munich malt? To me it is always hard to find and the places that sell it are always out of stock.

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Hey guys.

Obviously not so useful if you're in nsw, but my HBS (just around the corner from Coopers) stocks 'Briess CBW' liquid Munich malt. It's 50/50 Munich/ base malt mix.


I still haven't made the beer that inspired this thread. I feel like making something a bit different. Either a doppel, or a spiced dark ale, or something else a little left of centre. I'm also keen on an American amber ale I tried a while ago... Ballast Point Calico Amber Ale.


Either way, cheers for the tips on the hops.


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