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Hi Scott,

Can highly recommend the porter recipes in the link as above...they produce a seriously nice beer, easy to make.

I put down another porter last night based on those recipes, i bumped up the choc malt to 350g and roasted barley to 120g just to see what happens. the sample was sensational!



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Scott, I have never made a porter before. But I have tasted quite a few; I like porters.


Standard porters tend to have lowish hop characteristics ie. not a huge hop flavour or aroma.


If you are using hops then the English hops would probably suit the style. Something like EKG or Fuggles.


I really like EKG hops and use them in my English Bitters. They are a nice mild, subtle hop.

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Steve posted this one.


I love English Bitter. And stout. Is a porter somewhere in between?

Would welcome any critique on this planned porter recipe (from another website):

Coopers English Bitter tin

300g Choc malt

100g Roast Barley

200g Medium Crystal

1kg of DME (light/dark?? wasn't specified)

Yeast US05


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Hi Guys,


I put this one down the other day. At first I wasn't sure what style it might be until I did some reading on beer style guidelines. Turns out this one fits nicely into the "robust porter" style.


Campfire Porter


1.7Kg OS Stout

1.7Kg English Bitter

200g Smoked Malt

200g Dextrose

23L water

14g Cooper's Ale Yeast (rehydrated)

OG 1.054


It's a simple one and I would say it would lend itself to variation.



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Hi weggl,


I think I would have thrown some chocolate malt in if I had some.


I've never used this smoked malt before. I'm looking forward to giving this one a go. It'll be another fine one for the winter.


I have been stockpiling some rich, hearty brews as of late. I'm still looking to put down another stout in the next little while so they have a few month on them before Ol' Man Winter stops by for a nip!



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I have a can of Coopers dark malt extract that I don\u2019t know what to do with.

So I have been thinking along the Porter lines and wondered what you mob might think of this,

Can E/Bitter

Can Dark M Extract

200g Choc Malt


Some Fuggles, boil for how long, how much? Thought that it might be too sweet without an extra amount of hops and Fuggles seems to be the hops used in English beer. The above should turn out around the5% mark.

Any suggestions?



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