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Mix it up


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At the bottom of the brew kit there is always sediment and yeast is also deposited around the krausen collar. What would be the effect off stirring it up on day 2 (for example) or scraping the yeast back in at a similar time?

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[sick] [sick] [sick] [sick]


You don't want to scrape that sludge of the side back into it. It's not just yeast, it's also hop resins/matter, proteins etc and from what I understand is extremely bitter and harsh tasting.


Also, why would you want to stir up the trub on the bottom? It doesn't do anything except stir it up and make it cloudy again. Again, it's mostly waste material and not wanted in the final beer. Although, it's not all waste, there are live yeast in it and it can be rinsed AFTER bottling to re-use the yeast in another brew. There is a thread on that somewhere on here.

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Thanks Everyone, I figured a certain amount was supposed to be there. If I where to do it at an earlier date (eg. day 2) it would settle out again within a few days. Would it be likely to enhance the flavour at all?

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Thanks Everyone' date=' I figured a certain amount was supposed to be there. If I where to do it at an earlier date (eg. day 2) it would settle out again within a few days. Would it be likely to enhance the flavour at all?[/quote']


No. In addition, there's a risk of infection when opening and fiddling with a fermenting beer. Just don't do it.

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I heard on a brewery tour that those filthy Ozzies refine and then spread that *&^* on there toast [sick]


Maybe you could do that with it if you dont want it to goto waste?


But Vegemite puts a rose in every cheek? [crying]




Anthony. [biggrin]

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If I where to do it at an earlier date (eg. day 2) it would settle out again within a few days. Would it be likely to enhance the flavour at all?

Taste it and see if it is a flavor you want in your beer.

You'll be surprised at the flavor. guaranteed.


And yeah, vegemite is nasty.

Marmite is fantastic though [biggrin]

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